24~ Flower Crown

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I woke up a bit earlier than usual to my alarm at 9:00 am. Today Bucky and I were going out but this time I get to choose what we do. I snuck into his room making sure to step over the squeaky floor boards, I was at the foot of his bed with my hands on his duvet. I know how cranky Bucky gets when he has to wake up early but I'm too excited to think about that now.

I grabbed the end of the cover pulling it off Bucky, his eyes shot opened searching around the room. "Morning sunshine"  he groaned in response pulling the cover over his head so I jumped on the bed yanking it back off. "Why are you up so early?" His voice was deep and croaky. "Today I get to choose where to go for our date!" I think he could tell how excited I was and his mood changed slightly. "And what did you choose today doll?" He sat upright in his bed, grabbing my waist and pulling me onto him so I was straddling his waist. "I thought it was a good idea to go on a picnic date?" He thought for a second before pulling me in for a kiss before pulling away placing a hand in my cheek. "when do we leave?" I could feel the my mouth form a grin. I gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I'll start making the snacks and pack everything we need." He looked a little confused "I'm not letting you do all of that whilst I do nothing, I'll help make everything with you." His determination was weirdly making him more attractive and I wanted to stay in that bed with him so badly but we had work to do. "Fine but your gonna need some help." I said running out the door "I doubt it" he scoffed.

I spent hours in the kitchen with Bucky making scones, cupcakes, sandwiches, snacks- everything. I had to teach Bucky how to actually follow a recipe instead of doing what he thinks is right. I had flour all over my face and clothes thanks to Bucky but so did he.

Just as we were packing up Steve walked down the stairs into the kitchen- with Natasha. "What are you two up to?" Natasha wondered in picking up a cupcake and stuffing it in her face. "Hey those are for our picnic!" I lightly slapped Natasha in the arm. "Bucky has agreed to go on
A picnic?" Steve leaned onto the table, eyebrows raised with a shocked look. "Yes Steve i did." Bucky playfully rolled his eyes. "and it's going to be a lot of fun." He added popping a grape into his mouth, still playing with the small strand of hair on my back. "So what did you two do last night after the movie?" I turned to Nat wiggling my eyebrows. She shut me an annoyed look "Ok we're off enjoy your picnic!" Nat said grabbing Steve. They both scurried off. I turned my attention back to Bucky. "Who knew an 100 year old man could be so kinky?" He laughed at my response "You'd be surprised." He winked- why does he do this, but I like it he should continue to. "Come on let's go get dressed." He spun me around giving my ass a light tap as I ran up the stairs.

The day was perfect. The sun was out and there were only a few clouds in the sky. I decided to wear my yellow and pink floral dress and packed a cute picnic basket full of all the treats and a bottle of bubbly. Tony agreed to let us take one of his cars and we had the roof down the whole way. I knew the perfect spot for our picnic, I used to go there when I needed a break and no one else knows about it well- except for Bucky. We finally arrived, it was a small, beautiful field in the middle of know where with daisies dotted around and in The centre was a huge willow tree with its gorgeous green leaves hanging down. I could tell Bucky liked it, I know he's into all the modern stuff but he does appreciate natural beauty when needed. "What do you think?" We wakes up to a spot under the willow tree. "It's mesmerising Y/n but your too distracting too notice." He pulled me in by the waist, I let out a small laugh before he kissed me deeply. The day hadn't even started and I knew it was going to be perfect.

We spent most of the Day laying on the picnic blanket with my head on his chest eating all the snacks and delicious foods decorated around the blanket. We talked about everything that came to mind. "So Y/n If there was one place you'd want to live forever, where would it be?" He glanced down with his hand playing with my hair. "hmm this is easy- right here. I mean I wouldn't mind having a little cottage over there." I pointed over to a spot on the field. "It would be decorated with plants, a small pond  and as many flowers as I can fit." I could feel my face light up thinking about it. I didn't notice Bucky staring at me. "What are you staring at?" I giggled slightly flushed. "You, Doll." He lifted my chin up before giving me a gentle kiss and I lay there in his arms for the rest of the day, soaking up him and the moment.

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