"You look pretty adorable when you're asleep."

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Mobius uses he/him pronouns.

Loki uses they/them, he/him, & she/her pronouns. I will state at the start of each chapter whichever pronouns he'll be using.

{ Loki: He/him}

Mobius smiled, looking down at the Asgardian Prince. He'd obviously fallen asleep whilst trying to do the work. Mobius didn't blame him, it was rather boring. Mobius didn't mind it too much though, he enjoyed researching Loki because... well... he knew why he enjoyed researching Loki so much, but he'd never dare admit it. A TVA agent & A Variant? That's just a true plead for chaos. However, Mobius couldn't help but smile at how peaceful he looked. Without even thinking, he whispered "You look pretty adorable when you're asleep." It took a while for him, to realise that he was staring. Well, it took Hunter B-15 walking into the room for him to realise that he was staring.
"Ahem?" Hunter B-15 coughed.
Mobius looked up, his cheeks started to burn "Oh...um... hello B-15. How can I help you?"
"Am I disturbing something?" She smirked, not really caring.
"Oh, no. I was just finishing up with some work."
"& the variant?"
"Loki." Mobius corrected her.
"Fine. & Loki?"
Loki's eyes fluttered open, he was intrigued to hear the rest of Mobius & B-15's conversation though. So, he closed his eyes again, laying there as if he was still fast asleep.
"He must've fallen asleep."
"& you were watching him?"
Loki had to fight the small smile that had started to form on his face.
"N-no I wasn't."
"I saw you Mobius."
"I just didn't want to wake him up."
"Because I felt bad-"
"He's just a variant."
"He's been through a lot."
"It doesn't matter."
"Why is everyone here so insensitive?"
"Why do you care about him so much?"
B-15 took a few steps closer to Mobius, until they were only a few inches away, "Look, Mobius. I'm not the one who should tell you who to love, & who not to love, but just be careful."
Mobius gave up trying to lie to her.
"I will be careful."
"Okay. I guess I should leave you two now." She winked.
"Nothing's going to happen B-15. I'm pretty sure Loki is straight anyway."
B-15 looked confused, "You know, for someone who devoted his entire life to studying Loki's, I'm surprised you didn't know that Loki variants are bisexual."
Mobius blushed again, maybe he does have a shot with Loki.
"Oh... um... well... he probably doesn't like me."
B-15 decided to let Mobius decide for himself that Loki was totally head over heels for him.
"I guess I'll let you figure that one out for yourself."
"What in the world does that mean?" Mobius shouted as B-15 shut the door behind her.

Mobius looked back to Loki, he was awake now, looking straight up at Mobius.
"Oh good, you're awake!" Mobius exclaimed "Wait, how long have you been awake for?"
"Not long." Loki smiled.
"Oh...I'm." Mobius looked everywhere but at Loki, he had no idea how much of that conversation Loki had heard.
Loki could tell that Mobius felt uncomfortable, so he changed the subject "Should I continue with the work that I obviously missed out on while I was asleep?"
Mobius' eyes darted to the clock, it read 11:44pm, "That won't be necessary," Mobius said "It's getting late."
Loki was desperate to spend more time with Mobius though, "It's fine, I'm not tired."
Mobius was sceptical, but smiled "Are you sure? You seemed pretty tired a minute ago."
"I'm sure. I don't think I'd be able to get back to sleep if I tried." Loki laughed. However, Loki didn't say that he wouldn't be able to fall back to sleep because he wasn't tired. He knew that he wouldn't be able to fall back to sleep, because all he could think about now was Mobius.

So, Mobius & Loki continued reading files late into the night. Well, until Mobius tapped Loki on the shoulder. He could see that they were almost done with the files, but he was eager to spend more time with him still.
"Do you want to go & get food? I'm hungry." Mobius asked.
"Oh, yeah. Sure. But isn't the canteen closed?"
"There's a part with sandwiches, & foods that aren't freshly made."
"Oh, that's interesting. I am intrigued, let's go!"
Loki sprung up from his chair, & Mobius followed. They walked down the corridor, side by side. Their shoulders kept on awkwardly touching, along with their hands. Every time that happened, they'd quickly edge away, but would then return back to the same place within a few seconds afterwards. It was like they were in a time loop, but instead, they were just two very awkward men, desperate to make a move on eachother.

They arrived at the canteen, & Mobius showed Loki the selection of food. Mobius picked up a chocolate bar, & Loki immediately did the same.
"Copycat." Mobius teased, playfully.
"I've never tried any of this before, I want to try what you recommend."
"You've never tried chocolate?"
"I'm not from Midguard. Remember?"
"You don't have chocolate in Asgard?"
"Uh... no?"
"Oh, okay. Well you should try this too."
Mobius handed Loki a tub of ice cream.
"What is this?"
"Ice cream. You're going to love it!"
"If you say so!" Loki smiled, he sounded genuinely excited.
Mobius became a bit jittery, & stuttered "Um... Do you want to come over to my place?"
Loki made a failed attempt to not look excited "Oh. Um, sure."

They exited the canteen, & Mobius subtly grabbed Loki's hand. He used the excuse that Loki didn't know where the analyst's room was, but realistically, he just wanted to hold his hand.
"Here." Mobius lead Loki to a door, & opened it. Pushing Loki in before entering himself. They sat down at a small table, which was in the kitchen. Mobius unwrapped his chocolate, & started eating. Loki followed, as he started to eat the ice cream "Wow, this is delicious!" as he lifted up the ice cream, showing how much he was enjoying it.
"It's great." Mobius smiled, that's my favourite flavour.
"Favourite flavour?"
"Oh, there's hundreds of different flavours."
"I need to try them all."
"You can, well , eventually."
"What if I try a new one every day?"
"That sounds like a sweet idea."
"& you can do it with me?" Loki whispered, sounding shy for the first time ever.
"Oh, yeah. Sure."
"You don't have to-"
Mobius reached his hand out, touching Loki's arm.
"I want to."
"Okay." Loki looked down at the empty ice cream tub, "Well I guess I should leave now."

As Loki stood up to leave, Mobius only tightened his grip on the Asgardian's arm. Loki looked back in confusion. Quickly, Mobius slid around the table, his & Loki's faces were centimetres away from eachother now.
"Just kiss me already, Mobius."
The analyst placed his lips onto Loki's, kissing him softly. He then grabbed Loki's hand, leading him to the bedroom. They both lay down on the bed, facing eachother.
"Do you have to leave?" Mobius asked.
"No." Loki smiled, pulling Mobius into a hug. After a few minutes, Loki felt Mobius' relax, & his eyes had now peacefully shut. Loki stared for a few seconds before whispering "You look pretty adorable when you're asleep too." , afterwards drifting off into his own dreamland.

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