How Loki Series 1, Episode 5 should've gone.

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Hey everyone! I thought I'd just write a little note here, to say that this oneshot is going to be a version of Loki Series one Episode 5 written by myself. It'll be how I think the episode should've gone! I hope that you enjoy it.

Loki uses he/him pronouns, & Sylvie she/her.

Mobius stopped the car as he saw someone running. The figure was soon opening the door. He looked behind, & was shocked to see the Loki variant that Ravonna wouldn't allow him to interrogate. Or as Loki called her, Sylvie. She looked at him, & said "Hey."
"You know, you should be more careful getting into a random stranger's car."
"What do I have to lose?"
"You've got a point there."
The dark cloud started to near, "DRIVE MOBIUS." Sylvie shouted.
"What does it look like I'm doing?" Mobius had his foot down on the pedal, trying his hardest to guide the rather shabby car away from whatever 'that' was.
"How did you get here?" Sylvie asked.
"Ravonna pruned me, Loki & I were just about to find a way to destroy the TVA. But she caught us, & pruned me. Wait, where's Loki? Is he okay?"
Sylvie stared at Mobius for a moment, realising everything. The realisation was sad, as she may have just a little thing for Loki herself, but she knew that Loki was in love with the analyst. "Oh my god. That was why he was so upset when Ravonna brought us both to the timekeepers." She could've sworn that Mobius was blushing "& well, it's a long story. But he got pruned."
"Wait? So he's here?"
"Yup. I pruned myself hoping I could find him."
"Oh, yeah. Of course." Mobius had forgotten about the whole Loki-Sylvie situation for a second.
"Do you um... Nevermind. It's a dumb question."
"Just ask me, Sylvie."
"Uh, rude. Fine. Do you like Loki?"
"Of course. He's a great friend."
Sylvie started at Mobius bluntly "God, you really are an idiot."
"Hey. What's that about?"
"You love him."
"No- no I don't,"
"Don't lie to me ever again."
"Fine. Don't tell him though."
"I won't. But if you don't tell him soon, I might just have to let it slip..." Sylvie let herself forget about the crush she had on Loki, deciding that she should do what was right.
"Fine, I'll tell him. Soon."
"Good. Now, shall we find your idiot of a Loki?"
Mobius was completely red, "Yes." he replied meekly.

Loki was trudging through the rough terrain of the Void with the few different variations of himself which he had encountered. Classic Loki, Kid Loki, & weirdly, Crocodile Loki. "Have you ever met a feminine presenting version of us?" Loki asked.
"No, sounds terrifying." Classic Loki laughed.
"She is." Loki smiled.
"Oh... is she your..."
"No. No. No. No. She's nothing but a sister to me, I'd never imagine such a thing. The problem is, I think she may feel that particular way towards me.
"So who is it then?"
"Who's who?"
"Who's the lucky person?"
Loki went silent.
"Come on, maybe we can help you. Are they here? Is that why you're here?":
"Maybe they are here. But I was pruned against my own will. I never would've chosen to come here." Loki thought about how he might never see Mobius again, "Well, maybe under one circumstance. But no, I was pruned by Renslayer. It was particularly brutal too."
"Well, what are we waiting for? We need to find them. What's their name?"
"His name is Mobius."
"Mobius." Kid Loki interjected.
"Interesting name."
"What can I say? He's also an interesting person."
"They've got it hard." Classic Loki stage-whispered to Kid Loki.
Loki smiled shyly, "Can we just try & find him?"
"We could. Or we could mock you for being so sentimental." Classic Loki laughed.
Loki started to run, & the others had no option other than to run straight behind.

They trekked through endless grasslands of what looked like exact same ground, & a moving object suddenly started to draw Loki in. "I see a car," Loki pointed.
"Could that be your Mobius?" Classic Loki asked.
Loki looked back at Classic Loki for a split-second, a glimpse of hope came upon his eyes "Maybe."
Loki started to run down the hill, faster than he ever had before. He was shocked to see Sylvie stood right in front of him, "Sylvie!" They gasped.
"Are you okay?"
"Not too bad, other than being stuck in quite literally the end of time."
"Sarcastic, as per usual."
"Uh... have you seen anyone else here by any chance?"
Sylvie placed a finger over Loki's lips & pushed their head to the left. Loki saw Mobius getting out of the car, his Mobius. Loki ran up to him, grabbing his arms "Mobius!"
Mobius, started by the sudden action, took a few seconds to look up into Loki's eyes, & then down at his lips. Loki looked down at Mobius' lips. Mobius awkwardly walked backwards, releasing himself from Loki's grip "I'm so glad that you're alive," was all that he could say. He didn't want his first kiss with Loki to be infront of a million other variants.
"I thought that you were dead Mobius. Dead." Loki said, gasping for air.
"Shit. I forgot that you were there too, did she prune you afterwards?"
"Not straight afterwards, but later on she did prune me, yes."
"Well, I'm happy that you're here, with me, now."
Loki looked over to see his other variants walking down the hill, "Come." Loki beckoned.
Mobius followed Loki obediently, & smiled at the sight of all the other Loki's. He wondered if they also had a Mobius in their timeline who was hopelessly in love. It looked like Sylvie had already introduced herself, so Loki started to introduce Mobius, "This is-"
"Mobius." Classic Loki said, maybe too eagerly.
"How do you- How do you know my name?" Mobius asked, amused.
"No reason. Anyway-" Loki laughed.
Mobius started up at Loki, smirking, "Did you tell your friends about me?"
"No. No. Well, yes. I said that we needed to find you. Just for... just to..."
"Just shut up Loki, this is the most awkward shit ever," Sylvie rolled her eyes.
"Let's find a place to rest, we can worry about Alioth later." Kid Loki said.
"Sounds good."

The group trekked once again, until they found the ruins of an old building. A fire was soon made, & they all gathered around. Sylvie stood up, & asked to just talk to Loki for a few minutes. Mobius tried to sneak a peak at them, when Classic Loki placed an arm on his shoulder "Mobius, do not worry. For if they are talking about anything, they are talking about you."
"Yes, you."
"My goodness gracious. When I tell you that Loki would not shut up about finding you earlier. Not finding a way out of here, not finding whoever it is that is truly behind the tva, finding you."
"Yup. So please just put us out of our misery & kiss him for goodness sake."
"I- uh-" Mobius blushed aggressively.
"Look, you seem to really like him. He's told us that he really likes you. Once Sylvie comes back in, you should go & talk to him."
"Fine, I will. I actually did promise Sylvie that I would also."

Loki sat down on the grassy bank beside Sylvie. She looked up at them "Mobius isn't so bad."
"Or so good, I think that's why we get along."
"He cares about you."
Loki looked at Sylvie "Did you talk to him much?"
"Did he say anything?"
"I knew that you liked him!"
"Did he say anything about me?" Loki said, ignoring Sylvie's enlightenment.
"I can't tell you that."
"Come on Sylvie!"
"I'm leaving!" Loki joked childishly, standing up.
Sylvie pushed her to the ground "No, you need to stay."
She walking back over to the ruins, & Mobius stood up immediately.
"Uh... I'm going to go & uh..."
"Go, he waits for you."

Mobius walked outside, he could see Loki's figure sitting on a grassy bank.
"Hello." Loki said.
Mobius was at a loss for words, he figured that the one thing he could bring up was Sylvie, "So you & Sylvie, are you a thing?" Mobius teased.
"Oh gosh Moby, I thought we were having a nice moment."
"Oh wow, sorry Loki," Mobius rolled his eyes, shuffling closer to Loki. Their elbows were touching now, "Well ya know, I had to make sure."
"Make sure of what?"
"Make sure of... well..." Mobius leaned in & kissed Loki's lips softly, pulling away before he looked into his eyes.
"I- uh-"
"Sorry, shit. I shouldn't have done that." Mobius turned his head, trying to stand up. But his ideas where interrupted when he felt Loki's hand on his, pulling him back down to the ground.
"Moby, I-" Loki kissed him back, but this time it was with more passion, more neediness. Mobius started to trace his fingers through Loki's long hair, & Loki moaned softly into his mouth.

Sylvie looked out the small window of where she was sitting with the other variants, & her eyes went wide after what she had just seen. They were too far away to see exactly, but not too far to not see at all. It looked as if Loki was laying on top of Mobius, they were kissing, & there was a blanket covering the most of their bodies. However, she could see that both Mobius & Loki were still wearing their shirts, she couldn't be too sure about their trousers. She wasn't sure whether to tell the other Loki's, but since she'd had to see it, she decided that they would have to also.
"Uh, guys, you might wanna see this." she laughed.
The other variants scurried over & watched in shock. Sylvie looked down at kid Loki & placed her hands over his eyes.
"Hey!" He shouted, trying to push her hands from his eyes.
"Sorry kid, this is for the adults."
"I'm older than you. Well, probably."
"You're still a child."
Kid Loki tugged at Sylvie's hands, & she eventually allowed him to look. He looked & started to chuckle, "Holy crap, that's Mobius & Loki?"
"Yeah, but we should probably leave them to do what they need to do..."
"Good idea." The other variants chimed in. & with that, they all walked away, & started to prepare the space so they could go to sleep.

No, Loki & Mobius didn't have sex. But they did take part in a long awaited make out session, a pretty steamy one at that. & afterwards, they cuddled for a while. Mobius eventually suggested that they better go back to everyone else, & attempt to get some sleep. Loki smiled at him agreeingly, before leaning in & pressing their foreheads together.
"I love you, Moby."
"I love you too baby."

Mobius stood up, pulling Loki along with him. They tried to tiptoe into the ruins ever so quietly, but it was no use. Sylvie immediately looked up & smirked "Had fun?"
The soft blush on Mobius' cheeks was hidden by the darkness of the night.
"We did, thanks Sylvie. Now if you don't mind, we're off to bed."
"Fine by me."

Loki conjured up a blanket for him & Mobius to lay on together. They both fell asleep peacefully, with arms wrapped around eachother.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2021 ⏰

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