Rainy days.

483 14 13

Loki uses he/him & they/them pronouns in this chapter.

Loki stared out at the New York skyline, which was being adorned with rain droplets. The daytime was starting to enter, however, it was still dark outside. He looked back, smiling at the man who had just sat next to them.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." Loki apologised.
"You didn't wake me."
"I must've."
Mobius placed his hand over Loki's mouth.
"You didn't." Mobius reassured him.
Loki wouldn't dare admit how much he enjoyed Mobius' touch. It wasn't like they needed to though, the tightening that he felt in his pants said enough. They quickly scrambled to find a pillow, or just anything, to cover himself. The Asgardian Prince then retorted to making their way to the bathroom, but as they stood up, their now extremely visible bulge, was right in Mobius' face. Loki's face flushed red, as he whispered "I'm going to the bathroom..."
"Oh okay..." Mobius whispered, acting as if nothing happened. Loki could've sworn that Mobius was blushing, it was too slight to tell though.

As Loki walked off, Mobius sat there, smugly grinning to himself. Was he the cause of Loki's arousal?
Loki knew the answer to that one, of course he fucking was. All he wanted was to feel Mobius' lips on their own. That'd never happen though, Mobius was straight... right? Of course he was. Loki stopped pondering on the thought, & tried to clean himself up as quickly as possible. They wanted to get back to Mobius.

Once Loki had made his was back into the lounge, Mobius deliberately stared at Loki's crotch.
"All cleaned up now?" Mobius smirked, cheekily.
Loki's cheeks flushed, as he struggled for words "Uh- I-"
"I'm playing with you."
More like flirting.
"Was it- Was it because of me?"
Loki stared in shock.
"Oh- No. No. No. No." If he said no enough times, would he manage to convince himself.
"Geez. Okay." Mobius looked down, sadly.
"Sorry. I- uhm."
"Come on, tell me Loki."
"No. It doesn't matter anymore."
Loki couldn't risk ruining everything.
"Should we watch a film?" Loki tried to change the subject.
Loki switched on the tele, & scoured to find a film whilst Mobius changed. Once Mobius had arrived back, they started to watch the film. Loki slowly crept his arm around Mobius' shoulders, to their surprise, Mobius snuggled in further. Laying his head on Loki's shoulder. Loki stared down at Mobius, they could see that he was starting to close his eyes, falling into a peaceful sleep. Well, until Loki gently shook him, "Mobius," he tried to whisper as if not to startle him. However, Mobius jolted from the sofa, his cheeks bright pink "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that."
Loki was confused for a second, until they realised why Mobius seemed so upset "Oh, no. I was going to say let's get into bed. The couch is uncomfortable."
Mobius looked pretty embarrassed, "Oh... That's just me being a bit of an idiot then."
"You're not an idiot. Moby."
"Moby?" Mobius grinned.
"Yes. Don't get too cocky, let's go."

Loki grabbed Mobius' hand, pulling him to his bedroom. Loki had never actually been in Mobius' room before, there hadn't been a reason to. He immediately walked over to the bed, & started to prepare the covers.
"I'm going to head to the bathroom." Mobius stated.
Loki pulled the covers back, even though he wasn't particularly tired, it was an excuse to be close to Mobius. Loki's mind then started to wonder to why Mobius was so tired already, it was only 8am. However, his thoughts were interrupted as Mobius entered the room again. Loki's eyes fixated on him, & Mobius could feel a blush rising to his cheeks as he got into the bed beside Loki, "So..." Mobius finally made eye contact with Loki.
"I thought you were tired."
"Loki, the only reason I lay my head on your shoulder was... well..."
"Well what?"
"Because I like you."
Loki smiled "I like you too Mobius. You're my best friend." they knew that they wanted to be more than best friends with Mobius, but they wouldn't ever tell him.
"Oh... um... I- I didn't mean it like that."
"Uh... nope... not brothers."
"Well what then?"
"I have a crush on you Loki."
Loki's head jolted up, focusing his eyes on Mobius' face, "Wait- what?"
But before Mobius could reply, Loki had already kissed him. Mobius stared at him, "Wait, so you-"

Mobius grabbed Loki's hand & smiled, I guess we should finish the film then.
Loki stood up "Can we... Oh wait, nevermind."
"Can we what?"
"I already said, it doesn't matter."
"Come on Loki."
"Fine. Don't laugh at me for this."
"I won't. Promise."
Loki knew this was true, Mobius was the one person who would never laugh at Loki's ideas & thoughts. Now matter how idiotic they were.
"Can we cuddle Moby?"
"Seriously? Of course we can."
Loki grinned widely, hugging Mobius' arm as they made their way to the lounge. The rain was still falling down the windows of their high rise apartment.
"You know, it's the perfect weather to cuddle." Mobius smiled.
"How very coincidental."
Mobius sat down on the couch, indicating for Loki to sit on his lap. Loki stood there for a few seconds, debating whether he should. After all, earlier was pretty embarrassing. & that was only at the feeling of Mobius' hand on his face. However, it didn't exactly matter now. If anything, it'd be more difficult for Mobius. Loki softly placed himself on top of Mobius, lying their face on his chest. Mobius clicked play on the film, & the two continued to cuddle in that space for a long while.

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