first days

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you are so exited to go into 8th grade. its been a while since you went to school bc of covid and all but you are ready. you miss all your friends and cant wait to make new ones. your adult comes in your room and says "u wanna go shoppinggggg" you jump up and get your cloths on. u get in the car and ur adult starts driving to kohls. you arrive at your destination and hop out of the car. u ask if you can go in alone and your adult says you can. u run into the store and go straight to the cloths. you see so many cute cloths. u grab a bunch of cute tops and head to the pants area. you grab a couple of pants and head to the shoes. you see these really cute airmaxs. they are white with teal and blue highlights. they match so many of the outfits you picked out. you head to the checkout and txt ur adult telling them to come to the line. they give you their card and discounts and go back to the car. you purchase your cloths and head out. when you get home you show ur adult the clothes you got. they are all so cute. the next day u go and get ur nails done a pretty blue color. you wear a cropped skin tight shirt that reveals a little bit of boobie ;}. you wear a matching jacket and jeans. you head into school and you see your bestie. you start sobbing (backstory to the sobbing: u got ur phone taken for 4 months and havnt talked to them in a while and you and them both had many mental breakdowns and were not ok). you run up to them and gove them the biggest hug ever. you walk into the gym and wait to be sent to classes. your first class is with your favorite teacher. you have known her for a long time because your sister is friends with her daughter. you have been to her house a couple of times and she loves you (not in a weird way bozo). you dont change classes the first day bc u talked ab rules and things that will be happening. you are in the class with most of the kids you had class with last year. a couple of them you have a crush on. there is also a new kid who moved to the school this year but he knows a lot of people bc they r on the football team together. you and the football team boys are friends and during mask break (we still gotta wear masks) you play football with them(or try to they r all taller than you and scary) . you have a tiny crush developing on the new kid. he is tall, has brown hair, and is muscular. he is really funny and you two get along great....
part two coming soon :} bozo

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