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You were at work. You were getting calls from your dad. John. He's in jail.



Mer sits down and hugs you. You start tearing up.

"*sniff* When I had just turned 4 he told me he loved us. Then when I was 5 he started screaming, hitting, and insulting us. He *sniff* made my life a living hell. Even after he went to jail he's family made my OUR life a living hell. *sniff* When Theo was 16 she was doing drugs. HE MADE OUR LIVES A LIVING HELL."

Mer holds you tight and you cry on her shoulder.

"He took my mom, sis, and life away."

"It's fine. I'm here. And we're gonna make him regret that."

You nod and get your stuff to go to the prison.

24 hours ago

I was at work helping a baby. the poor thing was left on a cardboard box in the park. A jogger found the poor thing and called 9-1-1. You were helping Alex when the police came. You stayed with the baby and helped the poor thing. You went to an on-call room and layed down. Meredith came in talking to Christina. You listen.


You said joking around making Mer laugh.


Mer: "Esmerelda said to send her a check

"How much?" She says teasing.

"100,000 bucks!"

You three start laughing and you get a phone call.

"I'll be in the bathroom to let you two talk."

Mer: "Who is it?"

Chr: "Probably Simon."

Note: Simon = Slender

Chr: "Maybe she's gonna send a picture of herself or something."

"Har, har Christina."

You head into the bathroom and answer your boyfriend.

"Hi, handsome~"

"Hi, how are you doing?"

"Tired. My legs hurt. And you?"

"Good. My dad and brothers are out. And also I'm missing my flower."

"Oh, you."

"I'm thinking of you."

"And what else?~"


"*giggle* I love you, daddy.~"


You hang up teasing him and head out. Mer was done and you two head out.

Hour #6

You were just done performing a surgery. You had a few texts from your boyfriend

-Baby, when are you coming?

-We need to talk.

-Stop teasing me😫😫😫😢


-When are you coming?

-In a few hours


-Oh, baby.

-Look, after I'm done I might surprise you

You send him some dirty texts turning him on. Mer came in and you quickly put your phone away.

"I won't ask."

You get your phone out and keep texting him. You and Mer eventually get called to a meeting.

Hour #9

I was relaxing when I got a phone call.

"Hello is this Esmerelda Avery?"

"Yes, who is this?"

"Hello, I'm your father's lawyer."

You're about to tear up but you hold it in.

"You mean John?"

"Yes, miss."

"What does he want now?"

"He wants to talk to you."

"*scoff* Look, tell him that I don't want anything to do with him."

You hang up angrily and head to do another surgery. You exit the on-call room angry and angrily put your surgical clothing back on. You spent hours working like always and keep getting calls from Johns's lawyer.

You answered it.

"Look I already fucking told you! Tell John I give a fuck about him!"

You hang up angrily and leave your phone in your bag.

BUT! It wasn't your father's lawyer who called. It was Slender.

Slender p.o.v

"Look I already fucking told you! Tell John I give a fuck about him!"

Esmerelda hangs up leaving me dumbfounded.

Who is John? Is she cheating on me?

Esmerelda p.o.v

I was working when Slender called.

"Hi, bab-"


"Wait what?"

It then hit you. The last time you answered your phone. IT WAS SLENDER WHO CALLED!

"Slender, I can explai-"

"NO! WHAT THE FUCK? You know what... WE ARE OVER!"

He hangs up and you are left heartbroken.

His mate: Slenderman X OC! readerWhere stories live. Discover now