I Wonder

39 3 11

All I wanted was to go somewhere else,from here a better place where none of this happened I just wanted to be loved and live a peaceful life alone

But instead god or whatever put me in this cruel world, my mom maybe put me in this world...or some unknown thing in the space. Who knows, there is one thing I know for a while that there is a different reality.

Where telling your crush you like them but they say no sure you whould be really sad but what if there's a new or same reality where your crush says yes and you and them get married and buauh and you grow old together.

or just break up when you get to high school,who knows the world is unknown.

And all I wanted was to go to other reality... And I failed multiple times but am sure today is the day I will shift. Now all I have to do is try...

This is going to suck

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