Lone Wolf: Chapter 5

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I've been here for about a week. So far Lyith, the man who is my mate, has pressed me to learn as much as I can about wolves, and honestly it was easy.

Everything mezmerises me about wolf, and how everything works in this different world. I didn't know anything like this could happen.

I barly got to know Lyith, but the night his lips touched mine I knew I was his in away...

Aimlessly my fingers trace over where he kissed me. His touch still lingers across the trail he left on my jaw.

He said we would be staying in a room together so the previouse nights I've been in the same bed alone. Lyith had to leave to visit another pack.

I lay back against the bed as I remeber the way he held me that night. Every where skin met mine it left a scorching sensation.

My skin burned as my breathe would hitch. It felt like it to for ever to get one breathe as I am near Lyith.

He seems so gentle at the time, but I hadn't forgotten the look of his cold grey eyes. A shiver runs down my spine.

I push the thought about Lyith out. I crave him more and more that I think about him. I want him. My want for him isn't just a want, but a need for survival.

I turn in the bed as I look out the window. My thoughts wonder off to my family back in the city. My mom and dad who came out and said how they found me.

They said I was about eight and I was shaking and fearful, but I would think I would remeber something like that.

My mother quickly dismissed the thought, and said the doctors said do to the traumatic state you were in that it's permanent I wouldn't remeber, but I had to. I needed to.

I told my mom that I was leaving to be on my own. To understand myself, and learn where I came from. She understood and wish me the best of luck.

It wasn't truly a lie. I just never told her how I new some of it or how I figured out I was adopted.

I sigh as look up at the ceiling. I just wish I could remeber anything from that night. I wanted to know about my parents- about what happen that night.

The sound of the creaking door opening snaps me out of my thoughts. A familar scent lingers around my nose, and I sit straight up.


The bed dips from the other side of the bed, and my body leans towards the large dip. My heart races as desire runs deep in my blood.

Two strong arms wrap around my small waist. I am pulled against a strong chest. I feel his breathe around my neck as he gently kisses my jaw.

A needy moms escapes my lips as he find my sweat spot on my neck. I complete come undone when his warm hands travel up the sides of my stomach.

My heart races a million miles an hour as my inner wolf craze the touch of my mate. She let's a deep growl as his teeth grazes the marking arear between the crook of my neck and shoulder.

I know I should push away. I barly know Lyith, but with the way he makes me feel when he's around it could be as if he's always has have my heart.

Before Lyith can sink his teeth into my skin, marking me as his I move away. A deep growl erupt from Lyith's lips.

His piercing grey eyes show desire mixed with lust deep inside him. He pull me onto his lap and I place my hands against his hard chest.

He knows I want him, that I desire him.

"Don't fight it," his husky voice whispers in my ear.

Nerve racking shivers run down my sound. My skin tingles where his skin brushes against mine.

"I barly know you," I whisper as I move off his lap, but his hands wraps me around my wrist, keeping me still.

"We have time for that later." He says slightly annoyed.

"I'm not ready." I growl as I push against him with a sudden burst of strength.

"Fine, but soon." He snarls as he ltd go of my wrist.

I rub my scorching skin where his tight grip had been. His touch leaves a light tingle.



The moon is high in the sky, leaving a clear path in the woods. The moon lighting up the woods looked beautiful. I smile as I set on a wooden stump.

I hear a twig snap in the distance and my head whips around to the noise. A man stands near me.

"You shouldn't be this far from the base of our territory." He says warningly.

I stand as brush my sweaty palm against my jeans shorts, nervously. I knew that I was walking on a line. If I feel to one side I would be stuck with Lyith forever, but if I were to dare to jump on the other side I would haft to flee the territory.

"I know, " I say as I cross my arm over my chest. "I-I just..." I trail off not knowing what to put in the empty space.

So many things have happen this week, and I'm not one to stick around when things get complicated. I would run away from my problem even though they would catch up.

"You just needed to breathe." He says as he walks closer.

I give a small nod. "Something like that." I smile shyly.

He nods. "I've heard about your problem," he murmurs. "How you didn't know, and I know it's a lot to take in." He says.

"More than a lot." I let out a huff as I plop back down on the stump.

"Our alpha is a great one, but I'm warning you he has a bad temper." He says as he looks at the ground.

"I can tell..." I murmur as my eyes look over the man in front of me.

He looks vaguely familar with his dark green eyes with light blonde hair. His jaw is well fined as his body. He looks like a perfect sculpture.

But stills Lyith has him by a long shot. A voice in the back of my head whisper.

I quickly push the throat away as I meet his piercing gaze. He offers a small smile as he looks up to the night sky.

"I'm Luca," he says after a couples minutes of a comfortable silence.

"I'm Katarina, but call me Kat." I smile at him.

He grins a boyish grin. "You should probably get back."

I nod as I stand. I walk back towards the way I can. I catch myself unconsciously sneaking a glance back at Luca. Something seems so familar about him.


Hi!! :D

Thanks for all the views! And to the people who vote thank you!! :D you made my day!!<3

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Who do you think Luca is? Will he come between Kat and Lyith?

Please answer this next question: do you want the next chapter in Lyith's POV? If so you will get a better glance at what he's like ;D. And I promise he isn't a saint.

Vote and comment! Thank you for reading! :D

Also I wanted to do something: if any you really enjoy this book, and feel like making a better cover please do and send it to me!! My kik is x_bookworm_x
I will give a special shout out to the one who does! Bye!

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