Chapter 2: Zyien

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 "This is the worst idea you have ever had, you know that?"

The voice that snapped in Zyien's ear was one he was all too familiar with. In fact, it had been in his ear since he was in the womb. His darling sister, Zibiah. He loved her, but sometimes he preferred to tune out the voice rather than argue his points to her. So, he did ignore her.

"I know you heard me, you prick." Her voice came again, dark eyes narrowed at the young man beside her. To most, she would be rather intimidating, but Zyien wasn't phased in the slightest.

He didn't answer yet again.

The plan that she thought was stupid was one that Zyien thought was brilliant. Yes, he was a bit biased since it was his plan, but he thought it would really work.

When news of the Katerissian Princess's journey spread through the town, many were quick to come up with some way to either kill her or kidnap her. She was a Princess, after all., traveling through a place of people who could barely afford a roof over their heads and food in their stomachs. It was only to be expected that people would try and come for her.

Zyien and his sister were a part of that group of people, and the plan was perfect in Zyien's opinion. Simple too. Zyien would jump out in front of the carriage and he would make a big deal out of being hit.

Would it hurt? Yes. But that would make it a bit easier for him to act.

While he was doing that and distracting the guards, Zibiah would swoop around and kidnap the Princess.

It was foolproof.

"I hope the horse squashes that tiny brain of yours." Zibiah grumbled, her hands smoothing down the cream skirt she had on. It was more luxurious than anything either of them had owned in a long time, and had a black cloak sitting on top.

The cream color matched the jacket Zyien was wearing, paired with a velvet red vest that made Zyien feel like a King. Then came the black shirt and pants that really pulled the whole look together.

Between the pair, they looked like two noble children who had gotten lost in the wrong part of town, which delightfully added to the plan. No one would care if they hit a street rat, but hitting two nobles was a whole different story.

The only flaw in their disguise was that the clothes were stolen. The hem of Zibiah's gown hung a couple of inches above the ground, due to her unique height, and the sleeves of Zyien's sleeves were a bit too long. But, no one would pay too much mind to that when the boy was rolling on the ground in pain.

Zibiah looked at her brother again, the annoyance very clear in her nearly black eyes. "You have a voice, Zyien, and I know you have ears. So, I do not see your reason for continuing to ignore me when I am very-" She was cut off by the heavy sound of hoofs moving down the road and the rattling of the carriage that was attached to the horses.

The carriage moved fast. Scarily so. It made Zyien rethinking his so-called perfect plan, not sure if he would manage to come out completely unscathed.

It seemed that he didn't have much of an option to do so, because right as he was about to make the leap a gunshot sounded through the crowd.

Like would be expected, it startled the horses who leaned back on their hind legs and gave a loud neigh of fear. Zyien didn't have another moment before his sister roughly shoved him to the ground, causing a sound of surprise to escape his lips.

"My brother!" Zibiah shrieked, a look of horror appearing on her face. "Help! My brother!"

Zyien looked at her with furrowed brows and narrowed eyes, not understanding anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2021 ⏰

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