Bottom. That's what he is.

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Alexis stares at everyone else in the student council room. The commotion is as usual, with Albert trying to murder Ciel (That is completely fine :D) and Charles being the peacemaker. They were all waiting for Gion and the others, that that, as Ciel reasoned, was why they did not have to start the meeting yet.

However, everyone was not on and on about the usual things like who would to the dishes. Instead, it was about the strange sight they had seen last night. Livio walking down the courtyard, with a sleeping Gion in his arms, snoring softly. Shintarou following, and looking as if he were either going to burst in laughter or take his phone out to take a picture of all that. Gion almost looked comfortable in his arms, if not for a tiny jerk or two. 

"Would Gion be a top or bottom?" Ciel mused aloud, which was a weird thing to do especially when he was hiding behind Charles.

"Ciel, stop bringing that stupid topic up!" Albert yelled.


"Because he is obviously a bottom!" Albert said as he tried to reach out for Ciel's long, golden hair. "Everyone knows that, you bloody idiot!"

Well, everyone except Alex did.

"Whats a bottom?" Alex couldn't stop himself from asking. The entire room was silenced as everyone was stunned by Alex's innocence. Leon was about to explain, but Fleix hurriedly covered his mouth. Alex could almost hear him whisper. "You murdered all my lunches when I was young, now don't murder his mind!" Ciel, Albert and Charles just stared at him, his mouth agape.

Thankfully, this loud silence was interrupted by the sound of the opening of the doors, followed by a few, swift footsteps by non other than the remaining student council members.

"Shall we begin this meeting?" Gion asked, taking his seat.

"Yes, we shall, Prince Gion..." Alex was about to finish his sentence when the memory flashed across his eyes. Sleeping Gion in Livio's arms. Snickering Shintarou. 

Flustered, Alex looked away quickly, not daring to meet his eyes. Did he remember it?

Unknown to Alex, he did not, but he was told.

Author's note:

Damn this is so short, im sry

I have PSLE in 3 days

If u dont know what psle is its basically a big fat Singaporean exam for 12 yr olds and if u fail, well... you can say bye bye to ur life decisions, career and possibly a good, well paying job

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