I wanna sleep

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Two claps sounded.

"Alright, let's wrap this meeting up! Everyone is now free to go." Alex said, packing up his bag.the scraping of chairs were heard, and soon everyone was rushing out of the door. Gion, on the other hand, was waiting for Livio, who had disappeared without his knowledge. Probably to the toilet or something.

Leaning against a wall, Gion stared straight ahead. In his mind were a few thoughts.

Everyone is probably thinking about last night.

Where is Livio?

For once I wish that the meeting was a chaotic as usual, the silence was killing me...

Why is Alex not following the others back to the dorms?

I wish Livio and Shintarou had never said a word about it.

Why is Alex staring at me?

"Hi, Prince Gion..."

Startled, Gion took a step back, and ended up pressing himself against the wall, which he felt was quite stupid of him to do so.

"Yes?" His eyes met the blue eyes of another brown haired boy.

Alex scratched his head, thinking of a question to ask.

"So... What are you going to do when you get back to your dorm?" He asked. That's was a weird question, thought Gion.

Honestly, he was exhausted.

He wanted to sleep. Or read. Or anything calming to make him stop thinking about that night. But of course he didn't say that.

"It's none of your business." He mumbled, thinking about the stack of revision books on his table. Before Alex could ask any more, Livio came out of nowhere.

And before he could explain his absence, Gion started to walk off. His head was too messed up to think of anything there and then.


The words blurred in front of him, and his head felt heavy.

Gion took a look at his clock.


He wasn't really used to staying up that late. It was just that he spent the afternoon fussing over stuff.

(Gion's head+ messed up thoughts= FVCK EVERYTHING)

"Godammit..." He mumbled, stifling a yawn. The exams were coming, and he had more homework than usual. Normally he would be able to finish then still and be able to stick to his timetable, but everything was just so messed up in his mind, he couldn't think straight.

Gion's eyelids felt heavy, and suddenly the words Infront of him started to swim about.

"I guess a short nap wouldn't hurt, right?" He thought, before burying his head in his arms and blacking out.


He woke up to sunlight peeking through his curtain. However, this time he was wasn't falling onto the floor like he usually did when he woke up. Gion decided to stay in his bed longer- he couldn't bear to leave his warm fleece blankets. Before long, he fell asleep again.

"Hey, come on sleepyheads, wake up!"

Gion shifted position in the bed, just enough for him to be able to see Shintarou. "Breakfast is ready. And it's quite rare to see you guys slacking." Gion realized that Shintarou was holding something behind his back.

But before he could ask about it, something snapped.

What did he mean by "You guys?"

A voice saying "Oh no" from behind him said it all.


Note from author:

pSle is DEAD
I'm lazy
Might update soon
Sry for short chapter lol

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