2 | The Dispossessed

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There was no denying the beauty of the elf that had boldly entered behind Alagos. His hair, a warm gold that shined in the light of the council room, hung loose to just beneath his shoulders. If he hadn't known better, he would've assumed Eglanor to be of the Vanyar, whose beauty had been recorded in the illustrated histories the Reunited Kingdom had brought from Imladris. But few even partly of that kindred lived in Middle Earth.

"Aderthon of the House of Feanor, is it?"

"Feanoriel. Our house goes by the name given to my mother," Aderthon corrected. He didn't miss the way Eglanor straightened at his words, and he worried briefly that he may have offended this elf. He did not wish to offend any of that fair kind, least of all one who seemed to have some knowledge of his predicament. "We take Fëanoriel in honor of her, and Maglor, who worked to restore the dignity of the House of Fëanor."

"Indeed. It is a miracle that house has regained any respect," he said. But he gestured a dismissal with his hand and continued on. "Well, Reuniter. News of that ring of yours has traveled quite far."

Sparing a glance at Eldarion, he decided to take a lesson from Nimwing and practice diplomacy. Aderthon turned back to Eglanor. "Indeed, lord? And how far would that be?"

"Far enough. I've come from the East, where I had been visiting lands long forgotten by the elves west of the Orocarni, and never known by the Men of this age, or even the one before."

Eldarion stepped forward. "Forgive me, lord, if I overstep my bounds. But how many ages of this world have you wandered, gathering knowledge?"

A smile spread across Eglanor's face. He moved towards the nearest window, cutting between Eldarion and Aderthon. Sparing a brief glance outside, he merely shrugged. "More than most, perhaps any that remain here in Middle Earth."

Only when the great doors groaned on their hinges did Aderthon realize Alagos had disappeared to retrieve Aragorn. The king strode inside, Arwen beside him, a tight smile forced on his face. Eglanor stopped in his tracks when they joined the group. Aderthon supposed even an elf such as Eglanor could recognize greatness when in its presence.

"Father, this is Lord Eglanor." Eldarion jumped to introductions immediately. "He says he has knowledge related to the Ring of Berúthiel."

"Ring of Berúthiel?" Eglanor's fist clenched. "I must say, for being a descendant of Luthien, you aren't very knowledgeable of the victories won by your forebears, Prince Eldarion. That is Sauron's ring."

"Do not fear, Master Elf, we know that well enough." Aragorn smiled. "To have you in this city is an honor. And to hear you bring knowledge that could save my nephew brings me even greater joy. Truly this is a hope unlooked for."

Eglanor let out a single laugh. "Unlooked for and unexpected, indeed. What good fortune that I would be passing by Minas Anor. But before we get to the information I bring, I do have two simple requests."

Aragorn waved him off. "Name it."

"First, I have made many enemies in my travels. I have been over and across the sea, through mountains and under them, and I fear there may come a day I require a place to stay, protected from those who would see me suffer."

Aderthon couldn't help but flash a small smile at Eldarion. He wondered if his cousin thought as he himself did, that Eglanor knew how to wax poetics and play politics as well as even Nimwing herself. And as he suspected, Aragorn was quick to agree to that request.

"Of course. So long as the Reunited Kingdom stands, I strive to offer protection to any who would request it of us." Aragorn nodded. "And your other request?"

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