The meetup

527 19 33

A/n The pov will always be tommys Pov in this <3

"TOMMY WAKE UP! ITS 2AM AND RANBOO GETS TO THE AIRPORT AT 3! WAKE UP!!?" I rudely get awakened by My best Friend tubbo yelling At me. "Bitch, what?" I say as my eyes slowly get adjusted to where I am.
"RANBOO,MEETUP,GET READY" Tubbo begins to shout again whilst jumping up and down. Ugh Trust ranboo to get a flight which arrives at 3am. "Fine I'm coming." I sigh as I stretch and lean over to get out of bed. I really don't want to have to wake up at this fucking time but If I didn't I already know that tubbo would kick me in the balls (again) like last time.

I begin to walk over to my wardrobe and open it scanning my outfits. There's nothing to wear... WAIT THATS IT THE HOODIE RANBOO SENT ME A FEW MONTHS AGO!!!!
I begin to slip my hoodie on and jump into my tracksuit bottoms. Ugh Once we get home I'm off back to sleep. I drag my feet towards my bedroom door and slam it open as always. *Bing* I get a message from tubbo.

Tommy's phone Messages
King😐= Tubbo
Wife haver❤️= Tommy
King😐: Fucking get outside right now it's 2:20! The taxi is here already🖕
Wife haver❤️: Yeah yeah I'm coming bitch.

I begin to quicken my pace as I know that if I don't tubbo will try to rip my hair out again 😭Why are small people so fucking angry and violent all the time!
Once I have made my way to the The exit door I see that it's already open with the angry little gremlin waiting for me. "COME ON WE HAVE TO GO!" Tubbo shouts whilst grabbing the sleeve on My hoodie slamming the door whilst dragging me to the Taxi. "Where to?" Asks the taxi man. "Brighton Airflow" I reply as the man begins to start driving away from the house.

10 mins later//
"Hey Mr taxi man do you mind waiting here for a bit we need a taxi coming home and You would be the easiest option. The man aggrees and Turns of the egnition as we start to walk into the airport.
"30 minutes to go till we see him." Tubbo tells me. I begin to get a huge knot in my stomach. Fuck what if he hates me. What if Tubbo wants to spend more time with him. What if he Replaces me... Thoughts go through my mind as I begin to stress out. *Ping* Tubbos phone makes a notification noise. "Who's that?" I ask tubbo. "Let me check it's... RANBOO!!!!!!" Tubbo replies eagerly after finding out who it is. "He said that his flight has landed earlier and he's just grabbing his bags now!" My heart begins to beat faster than ever.

We begin to walk closer to the waiting area and not even a few minutes later we see a recognizable figure in a black and white mask and sunglasses coming down the escalator. That's him right?!?!? "TUBBO!TOMMY!!" RANBOO SHOUTS AS HE BEGINS TO RUN DOWN THE ESCALATOR. (Didn't mean to type all that in caps) Ranboo rushes to tubbo lifts him up and gives him the biggest hug ever. And I'll be honest I kinda feel...jelous? Ranboo looks towards me and then proceeds to run and hug me. "Tommy! Oh my gosh it's really you!" Ranboo says while picking me up, spinning me and plops me back down to the ground. "Hello boss man!" I say smiling at Ranboo. I hate to say it but I think I'm actually going to enjoy his stay here.

We make our way back to the taxi man and thank him for waiting. "No problem! After all it gives me a rest!" He replies and we all laugh at that. 10 minutes later we arrive at home,thank the taxi man and paying him £15.69 (69😏😏😏)

"Tommy show ranboo where your room is, He will be sleeping in your room." Tubbo says. "Sure we have an air mattress he can sleep on that" I say pretending to sulk. As we begin to walk up the stairs I feel our hands brush against each other. My face begins to flush Crimson red but tried to ignore it. "This is your... I MEAN OUR ROOM" I say embarrassed. As we walk in I can see how amazed ranboo is of the size and Design. "Yoooooo this is awesome!" Ranboo says taking off his mask and glasses and smiles. I freeze. His eyes. His face. Everything. He's just so beautiful. "Y...yea it's alright I guess" trying not to stutter on my words as I begin to grab the air mattress for ranboo. "Now if you don't mind I'm off to sleep" I said to ranboo and and he replied with "Same man, Sam"

What is this feeling... Platonic Rommy/Tomboo Where stories live. Discover now