Chapter 2

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Aster awoke late at night only to find that Jack was no longer there. He groaned at sat up, rubbing the small of his back. Crikey, he thought, I'm never sleeping anywhere but my bed again. Damn ground messed up my back. Gathering his things, he began his saunter towards his house. (which, in all actuality, is more of a hut or a shack but Bunny still called it home)

After putting everything where it went - Jack's staff on the bed so he could get it later, the egg paints in the cupboard, and blanket on Pitch's lap. He tapped his foot twice, creating a tunnel to go find -


Aster turned around and whipped out a boomerang, sticking it up to Pitch's neck, the hole in the ground slowly closing behind him.

"Ah, I was wondering how long it would take you to notice me. Tut tut. Far longer than I expected for someone as legendary as you."

Aster snarled and got right to the point, "What have you done with 'im?"

"Done with who? I've merely come for my escaped toy."

"Wait, so you're saying that you don't have Jack?"


Aster took the boomerang away from Pitch's neck and dropped his arms to his sides, however he didn't lower his guard. The Easter spirit sighed and told Pitch to come with him. Tapping his foot twice, again, a hole in the ground opened up and Aster led Pitch through his tunnels until they finally emerged on the surface close to the snow covered Eiffel Tower.

"Where is he, Pitch?" Aster growled, "Can't you sense him or something?"

"I've no clue where the little snow sprite has gone off to."

Bunny sniffed at the snowy air to see if the creator of it was Jack but he frowned when there was not a whiff of the "snow sprite" nearby.

Then, as if magic happened - oh wait, it actually was magic - a shadow fell over the king of fear and the king of spring and they were standing in New York, New York.

"Pitch, what-"

"Oh shut up, rabbit. He's here." Immediately after Pitch finished speaking a shadow fell over him and he was on the hunt for Jack. Aster knew he had to find Jack before Pitch. He didn't want the winter spirit to be rescued by the villain, only to be put back into his former situation.

As Aster invisibly scoured the dirty New York streets for Jack, he felt each and every child's hope emanating from their souls. He smiled slightly to himself knowing that he was the one protecting these hopeful souls. However, that smile quickly dropped when Aster turned into a damp alley and found Jack. But not only did he find Jack, he had found Pitch again too.

"Ahg! No! Pitch...S-stop!" Jack screamed from the corner he was crouched in as Pitch brutally beat every inch of the eternal teenager's body. Pitch was yelling at Jack saying that this is what he got for running away, this is what he got for "betrayal", this is what happens when you disobey the nightmare king. Aster felt like he was gonna be sick, is this what happened during all those years?

But that didn't matter now. What mattered now was that Jack was being hurt and that Aster needed to help him and quickly. Bunnymund grabbed a boomerang and threw it with all his might at Pitch. It hit him squarely in the back of the head and luckily knocking him unconscious. Bunny ran over to Jack, tossing Pitch's limp body out of the way.

"Jack? Jack! Are you ok?!" Aster yelled, grabbing Jack's shoulders, barely stopping himself from violently shaking them. Jack's head lolled to the side and he uttered a meek, "Uh... fi...fine," before letting his body fall limp. Aster sat cradling Jack's body, listening to the guardian of fun's breath get slower and slower.

AN: Hello lovelies! Due to some persuasion (more like begging) from friends (@Madamina) and a reviewer, I've continued the story! Are you guys crying yet? No? Aw, thats too bad. I'm going to try to update as much as I can but school does tend to get in the way a little. Btw yes, that was my way of saying that THIS IS NOT THE END! I REPEAT, JACK IS NOT DEAD! There will be more. You're welcome(: R&R!

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