Chapter 6

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Aster wandered the halls in blind search for Jack. He'd heard voices come from somewhere to his left so, naturally he took off in that direction. He had a weird sort of bouncy hop-run but still, Aster was much faster than anyone else. Sniffing the dark air as he hop-ran, he caught the faintest whiff of the child of ice quickly growing stronger and stronger indicating that Jack had almost reached Aster.

Then suddenly, before anyone could react, Bunnymund ran into a cold figure causing them both to tumble onto their bottoms.

"Jack?!" Aster screamed at the same moment Jack cried out, "No! Agh!" Then, one brief moment of stillness later Jack leaned forward and stroked his shaking hand across Bunny's face. Squinting through the darkness to see the other man, Jack opened his mouth to say something but Aster kissed the words away.

Pulling back slightly, Jack started mumbling incoherent phrases. To Aster they sounded something along the lines of "We need to get out of here, Pitch is coming." Aster stood and offered a hand to help Jack up as he did so telling him that he couldn't agree more. Jack nodded slightly while taking one hesitant step forward and immediately falling down to his knees. His body was steadily growing weaker from the wounds Pitch had inflicted on him. And right on cue, MiM's voice arose from the depths of the darkness.

"Well it seems the dynamic duo has reunited. However, I do with both of you luck escaping this divine labyrinth; especially you Jack. As I'm sure you both know, I made you therefore I control you and Jack, I'm not gonna make this easy on you for I must say that you are very sexy and it would be fantastic to have you as my own."

Aster turned to Jack with a saddened but understanding look. The Man in the Moon had been a friend and even family to all magical spirits but he'd been closest to Jack. Aster knew he was taking this news harder than anyone. However, they couldn't hesitate long because Pitch and MiM were catching up and fast.

"C'mon Jack," Aster said and grabbed Jack's upper arm, helping the smaller man onto his back before tapping his foot twice to open up a hole except it didn't work. He tried again but to no avail. Anger boiled through Aster but he stayed as calm as possible for Jack's sake. Aster took one step forward then another and another before tearing off through the great halls of Pitch's maze. He searched frantically for an exit and it felt like hours or maybe minutes before any sort of light found it's way onto Bunnymund's path. Aster smiled to himself and turned his head just in the slightest to whisper to the half conscious Jack that everything was going to be ok. Turning his head back towards the light he began to walk towards the opening, knowing that this was all about to be over.

AN: Hello lovelies! Another chapter yay! I apologize for the shortness but I've been working on something that I hope will be totally epic.

R&R and have a beautiful day/night!

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