Drake: Game Night

167 6 5

Request By: @cloudless_cacti

Type: Fluff


I was waiting for the boys to come to Friday's game night. Yet, the only face I think about was Jake's and that one time we kissed. It was magical, I felt as if gravity were irrelevant, but he wouldn't remember that. My tinted cheeks faded as my frown grew. I just wish he felt the same way, I sighed as I sat on my bed. 

The X-box was plugged in, as all four of the gaming controls. I stared out my window, imagining Jake's soft lips on mine, while he held me in his arms. 

Just then, the door bell rang. When I opened the door, it was him, early. "That's new." I thought.

"You're sort-of early..." I said as my cheeks tinted in an un-noticeable shade of rose pink.

"I know... I wanted to talk... about... well- yesterday. The kiss..." The blonde's voice trailed on. I could have almost sworn that was blushing. "Oh- that..." I opened the door a bit more, signaling him to come in. 

As we both headed upstairs to bedroom, we avoided eye-contact. My palms grew sweaty, as my heart raced, "What he thinking about? Wait, what does he have to tell me in the first place?" My thought ran through mind, it felt as if I were running a marathon in my brain.

When we got to my room, we both sat on my bed. "Ahem, so... before Henry and Liam arrive, I wanted to say... I- sort-of... I-" Jake's words scrambled as he tried to explain something, but that's when I cracked, "Just spit out!" I yelled, my fist clenched to my sides. 

"I like you!" 

I stumbled back in surprise at Jake's words. "He... Likes... Me..." I thought as my eyes widened more by the second. It seemed like we were miles away, and yet, our faces were only inches apart. 

I braced myself as I took a step closer, our lips almost touching, still, Jake didn't move. I placed my lips on his. I felt his legs wobble, then he stumbled back. 

Before I knew it, we fell into my closet. But still then, we didn't stop. 

This was an afternoon I would remember forever... 

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