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"Back to us. I will ask my P.A to do the arrangements for the marriage. I don't want a luxury marriage. Its just that we will sign the certificates and that's it. Hope you are okay with it." Taehyung said.

Lisa wanted to protest because it wasn't a marriage she always have dreamed of. She wanted a small marriage with her family and friends and the one she loved, wholeheartedly.

But she stopped herself because this marriage was just a play. Because of he wanted a heir and she needed money for her sister's operation. She decided to agree to it.

"Yes. I'm okay with it." Lisa nodded agreeing to him.

"Fine. Here's the file. It has some rules and conditions we must follow. Check it out." He handed her a file. She found it strange to have a marriage with rules.

Lisa slowly read the rules.


★  You are not allowed to be interested or to have an affair with any outsiders.
★Don't fall it love with each other.
★ I can divorce you if you didn't become pregnant in an year.
★ You can leave and can marry anyone after giving me an heir. You will not have any right towards my son.

The last rule made her confused.

"What you mean by the last one? I don't have any rights towards the child? I will be his mother." Lisa didn't know what he meant by that.

"No. You will not have any rights towards him. But you can come and meet him whenever you want. But not as his mother." Taehyung's words made her pissed.

What in the world is he thinking?

She will be the baby's mother and have her own rights. Is he trying to keep the baby away from her?

"What if he find out that I am his mother?" Lisa enquired.

"He will not. He will stay with his father. I'm not snatching your motherly rights but it is the right thing to do at the moment." His explanation didn't made any satisfaction for her.

"What if he asks about his mother? What if he wanted to meet me?" There were more questions left in her unclear mind.

"I will tell him that his mother left him and didn't wanted to see him." Taehyung explained with a blank face.

"Are you deliberately trying to picturise me as a bad mother?" Lisa's eyebrows furrowed.

A child will, of course, ask about his mother. His explanation will make her own child hate her.

"If he hates you by that, then I am no one to help." His words made her more pissed.

Lisa closed her eyes to let her anger cool down. She was confused about what he exactly meant by that.

Why would he wanted to picturise her as a bad mother, who dumped her own child?

"Fine. I agreed." She said half-heartedly. The only thing in her mind was to make some money for Yeji.

But she is not completely agreed.

Lisa have a whole year left. If Taehyung falls in love with her, he wouldn't let her go. They can live happily with her own family.

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