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It was a dark, cold night in the little town of Lockwood. Olivia was finishing her work hoping to make it home in time for her favorite romance series. Are you finished yet, a voice from behind her asks? She turns to find Jake her boss looking her up and down. She always felt uncomfortable being alone with him. Jake loved women; he would flirt with any girl in a skirt. Olivia always kept her guard up when it came to him. Just finishing up now She tells him. Let me walk you to your car he said with a twinkle in his eye. That's ok Jake really, I can manage on my own. I insist as he reached his hand behind placing it on her back. It is dark, I wouldn't want anything happening to my best employee now would I.

Olivia felt uneasy and nervous while they walked to her car. She felt her heartbeat grow faster the closer they got. Olivia searched for her keys in her purse, oh why didn't I have them ready she scolded herself. Finally, keys in hand she attempted to unlock her door dropping the keys on the ground. Let me help you with that, Jake reached down for the keys, unlocked the door, and opened it for her. She turned to thank him and in that moment everything turned dark. Jake grabbed her pushing himself against her. Kissing everywhere she hadn't pushed him away from. Olivia fought as hard as she could, but he was so strong. Finally with one good swing, she slapped him as hard as she could cutting him with her nails. This distracted him long enough for her to make her escape. With tears in her eyes, she ran as fast as her legs would allow. Not realizing how deep she was going into the woods. Stopping at a tree to catch her breath, she looks around to see if Jake followed her before she continued. Running until she couldn't anymore, Olivia falls to her knees and sobs. After a few minutes she looks up to see if she recognizes where she is. What do I do she asks herself; I can't go back to my car; he might be waiting for me? I'll just stay here for now she tells herself as she drifts off to sleep from exhaustion.

In and out of consciousness, Olivia felt light like she was floating. Opening her eyes for a moment she could see a figure but not clearly. In that instant she knew she was being carried, but by who she wondered. Was it Jake, did he find her? What could she do, she couldn't wake up enough to get away? Hours later, Olivia jumped from her sleep screaming "NO JAKE"! To her surprise he wasn't there, no one was there. It was only her in a dark room with a single candle for light. Where am I she asked as she scanned the room. As she started to get up a voice from the shadows told her not to move. It startled her but for some reason she wasn't afraid. The voice was low, stern, dark, but calming. Who are you she asked while trying to find where it was coming from? She started to get up again and this time the voice was louder. I said don't move with a growl, you're injured, and you will open your wound. Olivia looked down to find a bandage wrapped around her upper thigh not even realizing she was hurt. She also noticed that her pants were removed. While scrambling to find something to cover herself she asked the voice about her pants. I had to remove them to address your wound, I could have just let you bleed out instead he said with a scuff. No, no I'm sorry I was just surprised, it's not every day I have my pants taken off by a mysterious stranger. The voice laughed but quickly stopped himself by clearing his throat. What is your name she asks him while still trying to find where he was hiding? Why do you want to know he asks with a low growl? I want to properly thank you is all. I'll go first, my name is Olivia, nice to meet you. Now it's your turn she said with excitement. There was only silence for many minutes before the voice said its Jester. Jester! Umm ok Jester, it's nice to meet you she tells him while looking down at her hands. What's wrong he asks her, oh nothing it's just your name. What about my name, what is wrong with it? Oh nothing, it's just unusual, I never met anyone with that name before, I like it. Well, I've never met anyone with the name Olivia before, so I guess we're even. I guess we're she said with a giggle. Where am I Jester she asks him while holding herself. You're in my home in The Land of Ishness. The Land of Ishness, where is that she asks him. It's a place beyond the mortal world, where humans like yourself don't dwell. Olivia sat there listening to Jester, trying to make sense of what he was saying. What was he talking about she thought, a land where humans don't dwell, the mortal world, what kind of dream was this and when was she going to wake up? Olivia, Olivia, hey human is you ok Jester shouted scaring her back to reality. Yes, yes, I'm ok, I mean no, what are you talking about, you're starting to sound crazy. There is no such place that you speak of, you're just messing with me. Also why are you hiding from me, why can't I see you she asks him with curiosity. I don't want to scare you he tells her. I am a demon; I am not what you're used to seeing. Let me be the judge of that she said with her arms crossed. Come out of hiding, I am not afraid. Slowly Jester makes his way out of the shadows and moves closer to her. Once in the light, she could make out all his features. Starting from his feet she examined every inch of him. Making her way up she noticed he wore no shirt exposing his bare chest and impressive abs. She began blushing as she continued up to his face. Her expression changed at that moment. The first thing she noticed was his fangs, then his yellow eyes, then his pointy ears. Looking back down to his hands, she noticed that he had claws for fingernails. She immediately closed her eyes whispering to herself this isn't real, this is a dream, no this is a nightmare that I need to wake up from now. She pinches her arm but whimpers from the pain it inflicted. She opens her eyes to find Jester still standing there. In that instant Olivia moves back against the wall in fear. Seeing this, Jester makes his way back to his hiding spot in the shadows. I told you I wasn't normal, that I didn't want to scare you he scolded her. I'm not scared, I'm just surprised is all. Then why did you move back in fear of me he asked. Well, you aren't exactly something you see every day in my world. I'll be ok, just let me wrap my head around all of this and make sense of it. Wow my world, did I just say that she asked herself. I can't believe there is a world beyond my own. A world with real demons, wow demons are real she thought to herself. What are you thinking about he asked her? Hmm, oh nothing she said while trying to find him. Please won't you come back out, I promise I am ok, I am not afraid of you. No, I'll just stay here where I know I can't scare you. I'm more scared of you hiding than I am of you in front of me, so please come sit with me. With a small growl, Jester makes his way out of his hiding spot and sits next to Olivia, not getting too close to her. Tell me about yourself Jester, she says with a smile. Surprised by this, he just sits staring at her. What's the matter she asked him. No one has ever asked me to tell them about myself, I wouldn't know what to tell. Well, what do you like to do for fun? Hmm, oh I like to taunt weaker beings and punish those that deserve it. With a shocked look on her face, Olivia couldn't help but feel the chills go down her back. Still, she wasn't afraid of him, for some reason that she couldn't understand she felt safe with him. Suddenly a loud noise came from outside causing Jester to jump up and run to see what it was leaving Olivia alone. While he was gone, she looked around the room again. There wasn't much to see. There was a rug in the middle of the room in front of a fireplace, a lonely chair sat in the corner, and a bed of blankets which she was currently sitting on. This is how he lives she thought, it's so dark and cold. Does he like it this way, it must get lonely? Tears started to form in her eyes, why am I crying she asked herself. Am I sad for him, or is it something else? At that moment Olivia couldn't get Jester out of her mind. So many thoughts went through her, but one thought hit her hard. It made her blush, her body burned with desire. She quickly shook her head and told herself to stop thinking like that.

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