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I will probably post the next three parts next week 🙂

This is what happened. Some people were confused.

An officer arrives and kneels down in front of Chris. "Hi sweetie, I'm officer Jaike. Can you tell me what happened?" She asks calmly not trying to scare her. Chris shivers.

"Sir... are you within any relation to Miss Shears?" They ask. I nod. "I'm her brother." They nod at me understanding. I continue to try hide my sobs as it's too painful to watch Chris go through this much trauma.

Why did he do this?

"Darling? Can you tell me what happened?" She asks again.

Chris stares of at the table leg, not able to meet eye contact. "He told me to stay back after class. I didn't think anything of it because I yelled at him at the beginning of class...until...he locked the door. I felt weird. Then he looked at me and smirked. And he-" she sobs. "Take you're time darling." The officer states. "He said that he knew that my father was innocent... because he was his brother and they don't fight like that" she sobs again.

What? My father doesn't have a...brother?

Oh no.

He's a pathological liar what did I expect?

"After he said it he walked closer to me, but I walked back. Eventually I hit a wall and he took advantage of me. He said that he would see what pleasure my father found in me. So he- you know. Then threw me to the floor when I was done. He said that he understood my father" Chris explains.

Everything hurts. It hurts to breathe. "Calum" Chris whispers. I look up at her and I watch as her face crumples with pain. I walk over to her and pull her into my chest.

"I won't let anyone hurt you again" I whisper into her ear. "You're okay. Nobody can hurt you..."

She lifts her head. "I need to go to Lilas." I sigh and nod. "Okay. It's going to be okay."

As the officer leaves, Rebecca comes back inside. "Oh my god..." she quickly kisses her and hugs her tight. "I've not got a lesson so I'm taking her to Lilas" I state. She nods at me.

"I love you" she stages placing her head on Chris'. "I love you too" Chris states.

We arrive at Lilas house and she just stares at the house. "Do you want me to come?" I ask.

She shakes her head. "No I'm okay" she does t say another word. She looks at the house then sighs. Opening the door, I sense her tension. She's scared.


Point out the obvious dipshit!

Chris POV:

I'm shaking. Why did he do that? What's wrong with him?

But I sit in front of my best friends house. I want to sob. But I get out of the car, not saying another word to Cal. The car doesn't move.

I just walk until I reach the door. Holding my hand up to knock.


I hesitate.

Just knock...

I can't move...

Does she know how to knock?

Oh my god!!

I knock. I wait...

I wait...

Why didn't I wait on that day?

Oh stop it!

Lilas mother, Elizabeth, opens the door. She brings me into a hug. "I'm so sorry" I sob into her chest. "It's not your fault darling" she responds pulling me into the house.

I look back at Calum and he smiles pulling away from the drive. I smile back.

We've been cleaning for a few hours and Elizabeth has given me many things. I just can't take them for some reason, but I will.

Elizabeth gave me Lilas diary. But I don't want to read it...

However I'm curious about what she did?

So by 8pm I had collected many things by the time Cal came and picked me up. "You okay?" He asks calmly, not trying to startle me or force me. "I got her diary" I whisper.

The pain in my voice overloaded, he looked at me quickly before looking back at the road. "I'm sorry..." he states. "Are you going to read it?" He asks.

I hesitate but I look down at my hands. I pick at the skin slightly making them bleed. "Yeah...I will" I sigh.

I can't believe I'm doing this...

She's probably going to hate me for this...

By the time we get home, I've calmed down. We walk up to the apartment and walk in. I keep expecting a hello from Ashton... but it never arrives.

I want him to walk through the door, after his run. I want him to make me spaghetti like he always does. I want him to be here so I can sob into his chest when I think of how tragic my life is.

I enter my room sitting on my bed and I immediately grab her diary. I sit against the headboard and rest my head against it. Debating whether I should open it or not, I trace the outline of the star on the front.

I bang my head against the headboard multiple times in annoyance because I want to have the courage to read it. I want to feel free...

But I can't...

I won't ever be free...

Sighing, I slowly open the first page

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Sighing, I slowly open the first page. It's got a few doodles on it which make me chuckle, then I begin to read.

Dear Diary,

Yes this is the first page of my tenth diary. And it's the 2nd of January 2018, so I'm 18 in a month and a bit. Shit! Am I going crazy?


I don't think?

Anyway... so my literal best friends Chris and Tom, are planning me a surprise birthday party. Yeah surprise. Not really.

They think I don't know.  HA!!

Wow! I knew she knew. She makes me laugh.

I love Chris she's literally my sister, I don't know what I'd do without her. And Tom! He's literally my brother!!!

God I love these guys.

I read on for a few hours. I end up reading her other seven. There's two to go! But I read and it makes me cry, it makes me smile.

She was the best...


Something huge is going to happen in the next chapter!

You're not going to expect it and I'm sorry 😂😂

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