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 Journal entry 1
    I live in a superhuman society. You'd think everything would be perfect, but youre wrong. 80% of the population has a quirk, I am part of that 20% that doesn't. I was tormented by someone who I grew up with, his name is Bakugou Katsuki.
   He would always say crying is a weakness. He taught me that crying is useless. No matter how much, or how hard you cry, it won't change anything. Feeling happy was useless because in the end, I'll just end up sad. Sometimes I thought he would go as far as to kill me. I was absolutely terrified of him. The bullying became so intense that I craved the sweet release of death, for my blood to be on his perfect hands. I hate everything and everyone.
  No one means anything in this sick, corrupted world of ours. Not all men are created equal, I learned that the day I learned to listen to the words that others spoke. 
People hurt others to feel happy. People kill others to feel happy. Others have to suffer for one man’s pleasure. Is it really worth it?

  In the grand scheme of things, emotions are worthless. Whether you laugh or cry, no one cares. No one will bother you unless you have something they want. Then, they’ll flock around playing nice, pretending to be your friend until they get what they want before they dig into your carcass like vultures. Friendship is a relationship that has many negative emotions attached to it. All you can do is wait for eventual betrayal, but is it betrayal if you both agree to it, if you both agree that one person does not deserve anything, not friendship, not companionship, nothing at all?

  In this world, you can’t rely on anyone. Trust the wrong person and they’ll come and stab you in the back, figuratively or literally.

~317 words~

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