11. What, When, Why ... How'd You Get So Good?

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A little fluffy fluff before the upcoming storm. Also known as Sarawat and Tine exploring, experimenting each other a little more.

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"Maybe I should try it again sometime." Sarawat leans against Tine's side, rubbing his tongue against the roof of his mouth.

"Try what again?"

"Another piercing."

"Another piercing?" Tine parrots, fitting himself comfortably against Sarawat's side and trying not to move around too much.

They've opt to stay in Sarawat's house today, deciding on playing video games and relaxing indoors instead.

"Another tongue piercing, maybe." Sarawat teases.

"Please. You really think another piercing is gonna fit there?" Tine lifts his brows, glancing to him from the corner of his eyes. "Your grandmother yanked out your other piercings, I don't want her to have to do something so tragic to that tongue of yours. It has its uses, you know."

Sarawat has the audacity to wink, sticking his tongue out playfully.

"Like what?"

Tine responds with his usual useless Tine noises, quickly averting his gaze from him, and Sarawat takes note of his embarrassed expression, pursing his lips.

"Are you all flustered?"

"No ..." Tine shakes himself out of it and straightened his shoulders a bit, trying to focus better on the video game he's playing.

"You're bright red, you know."

"No, I'm not. I always ... look like this ..." he shrinks down once again.

"I can assure you that you do not. Do you need a break?"

"Uh, yeah —! Do you wanna play?" Tine has already pushed the controller into his hands before he can respond.

"I don't know how to — wh-where are you going?"

"Just outside," he breathes, scrambling to his feet.

"Outside?" Sarawat watches him go, confused.

"Yeah, um, you know. To the balcony." he gestures to the door, laughing awkwardly.

"The balcony? Should I be alarmed? Are you gonna jump off or something?"

"No, just — it's nice out there?" He tries to slip away before he can get anymore visibly flustered than he already is.

"Be safe," Sarawat insists, looking down at the controller. "I don't like this game, Tine."

"I don't care." Tine calls over his shoulder before disappearing altogether.

"I don't care?" Sarawat presses a button and his character immediately falls and he has to restart the level. "Well, that's great. I just died."

And Tine just leaves him like that to figure out the game ... unbelievable.

He does return some few minutes later, after getting tired of wallowing in his embarrassment on the balcony. "... I'm back. Hey," he mumbles, sitting back down.

"Hi? Are you feeling better?" Sarawat passes back to him the controller. "I failed the level." He stands up and stretches.

"Yeah ... Seriously?" Tine looks at the controller after taking it back. "Did you even try?"

"I tried at least 20 times. Put something I'm good at, Tine. I think there's GTA." He wets his lips, stretching his neck. "Know what, I think I deserve a nap."

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