chapter 14

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It's been about two days since she told me she was in love with me I haven't said anything to her after that and I just kept ignoring her. Hearing a knock at my door I got up off the bed trying not to wake Jaden.

Opening the door to see it was Mia I knew it was her we were the only one living here so I knew it was her. Coming out of my room quietly as possible closing the door behind me quietly because I didn't want to wake Jaden. Afterward, it was just complete silence between us

"Say something," she said breaking the silence between us

"Honestly I don't know what to say"

"Okay I didn't mean to say you are to leave my apartment it was because I was angry and I'm sorry I said those mean shit to you"

"Why were you angry?"

"It was because I didn't want you to leave me alone meanwhile you have a family plus remember I still love you"

"Mia you have a boyfriend what's his name?..... Kevin yeah"

"So what I don't care for him like I do with you"

"Mia I'm straight"

"That what you think just give me a chance please?"

“no, I'm straight"

"You know what just forget I ever said that to you"

"Yeah water under the bridge"

"Yeah let's forget it I knew it was a bad idea to tell you that "

After she said that we both hug each other after some minutes we finally broke from our hug

"I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry for ignoring you"

"What you told me was it really true?"


"Wow both of our parents suck"

"Hahaha yeah they really do"

"Hahaha I wanna tell you something"

"What is it, Mia?"

"Let's go and sit"


Following behind her she lead me to the living room taking a sit on the couch she patted the spot next to her for me to sit. Walking over to the spot I took them a seat on the couch

"Okay go on"

"I don't know how to say this but our family is persons you don't want to mess with"

"What do you mean?"

"People who have tried to ruin them suddenly vanished from the world I saw it with my own eyes"

"What did you see?"

"This man I don't remember his name it's something like Randell Scott when he heard his brother commit suicide he knew he didn't commit suicide and asked the police to open the case before it could go any farther he vanished without a trace of him left I knew our family did something to him"

"Was his brother name Brandon Scott?"

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"I got a call from a random number it said I was to look into his name and call him for more information"

"You should call him back"

"No, I think we should leave that alone "

"No we need to stop them they have killed so many people who didn't deserve it you both are probably in danger your on his bad side already before now taking Jaden could make things worst for you"

"I'll think about it"

"Yeah.... good night"

"Good night"

After our conversation, we both went to our room to sleep but it took me longer to sleep because of what I had on my mind. Finally, my eyes got heavy and I fall asleep

When I woke up the first thing I did was call Hayden and tell him he could take Jaden for the day meanwhile I run some errands he said okay and that he would pick him up soon

After that, I woke up Jaden so he could a take bath and get ready when he was finished I went to take a shower afterward I when to my closet grabbing my outfit for the day(An: her outfit is up top along with her hair)

Rushing downstairs to see Jaden eating cereal along with Mia. Walking over to grab a bowel and then cereal and milk pouring myself some I took my seat beside Jaden afterward I started to eat

Soon we were all finished eating then a couple of minutes later Hayden came to pick up Jaden kissing him goodbye before shutting the door then heading to the living room throwing myself on the couch right beside Mia

Hearing my phone ring I took it out looking at my phone to see it, my dad, then I answered it

"Hello?" I said

"You clever Little think you won, don't you?. Your going to regret your decision very very soon" hearing how he said those words along with an evil laugh after my blood instantly went cold

"Leave me alone"

"I'll leave you alone.....for now," he said hanging up

Tightening my hold on the phone while my body was shaking

God I'm scared

"Kay are you okay?"

"We need to stop him now" was I all could say still shaking his tone make me want to piss my pants I have never heard him like that before this is how I knew

This going to be a hell of a ride.

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