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"If its danger you seek, come on over. I covet tranquility but beget the tempest storm."― Donna Lynn Hope


At the ripe age of seventeen, Sienna lost her parents and her thirteen-year-old sister in a house fire. 

What she wouldn't find out until six months later, is that it was a targeted hit on her father ordered by the Russian Mafia leader. 

Vladimir Sokolov. 

Sienna learned that her father had been in cahoots with the organization in efforts to pull his family out of the rut they'd been in since they moved to the states from Italy several years prior. Sokolov offered the man a hefty payday in exchange for a simple delivery, but Carmelo Cattaneo made an unwise decision. He tried to flip the shipment of drugs and sell to another buyer for a higher price. 

This didn't play out well for the man, seeing as the "buyer" was one of Sokolov's most trusted men. The sale went off without a hitch in Carmelo's eyes, but what he didn't know was that would be the last day he ever saw.

The Russian's burned her family to a crisp, ruthlessly cheering and throwing half empty bottles of alcohol at the flames, only provoking them to spread. They treated it as a celebration. Even went as far as bringing in a bunch of whores to occupy them while they drenched their livers in the strong elixirs. It took hours for the inferno to extinguish, and they stayed throughout the whole thing, watching as Sienna's life literally came crashing down around her. 

Vladimir Sokolov was there on that fateful night, and as he walked over the remains of the Cattaneo family home to ensure that there were no survivors, he felt a sense of accomplishment wash over him.

What he didn't see, was the scared, young girl that was still alive and well, trembling underneath all the rubble watching his every move. She paid close attention to that sinister look in his eye and made a mental note of the ugly scar carved into his face.

"Все ясно, босс. (All clear, boss.)" a thick accented voice called out from behind him. Looking over his shoulder, he nodded at the man and spared one last glance at the destruction he caused, before turning and walking away with a smile.

When Sienna worked up the courage to rise from the ashes hours later, she made a promise to herself, more importantly, her late family that she would get her revenge on whoever had a hand in her family's demise, a promise to bathe in their blood. 

From that day forward, she learned all there was to know about the man with the hideous scar under his right eye. She trained relentlessly and perfected a plethora of skills from knife throwing to seduction to torture and many other fatal ways to end her enemies.

Eight years later, she's crossing another name off her list. 

Her target; Nikolai Pavlov. 

Second in command to the one and only Vladimir Sokolov. Pavlov was the so-called 'buyer' that set her father up that day, and she planned to take her sweet time with this one. Making his death one that'll be the talk of the underworld for weeks to come. Maybe even months.

She sits at the bar in the lobby of the luxurious hotel, nursing her gin and tonic as she stalks her prey. A tight black dress accentuated every curve on her body, stopping about mid-thigh. Her cleavage was on full display and her long, tanned legs taunted any man who dared look in her direction. Her curly, chestnut tresses fell loosely down her back and framed her angelic face while her crystal blue eyes held the promise of destruction.

She had caught Pavlov's attention plenty of times in the hour that she'd been there, but the man has yet to act on the impulses that she already knows he has. 

She did do her research, after all. 

Nikolai Pavlov spent most of his free time at bars, clubs and brothels, sticking his dick in anything with a pulse. Willing or not. All the while his wife and three-year-old daughter waited for him to come home every night. Sienna knew he'd be an easy catch. 

All she had to do now, was wait. 

Sudden movement out of her peripheral caught her attention and she smirked as she took a sip of her cocktail, knowing that the poor, clueless bastard had fallen right into her trap.

"What's a pretty little thing like you doing here all alone, sweetheart?" the man asked slyly, his thick Russian accent prominent as he took a seat on the stool next to her at the bar. 

He eyed her beverage choice and noticed that it was almost empty, so he turned to the bartender and motioned for her glass to be refilled before returning his attention back to the beautiful woman. Her vibrant orbs met his and she smiled sheepishly, slightly turning in her seat to face the man.

"My date stood me up," Sienna innocently brushed her legs against his as she continued. "I'm licking my wounds." she raised the drink he bought her in thanks and brought the rim of the glass to her pouty lips. 

Nikolai's eyes locked in on her movements, licking his own lips as he imagined all the things that pretty little mouth could do. He just had to convince her first. He brought his gaze back to hers and smirked when he saw that she was already looking at him, watching him intently.

"Looking like that?" he bit his lip as his eyes wandered down her body for the millionth time that night. "He must be a fool." Pavlov spit distastefully, floored that a man actually had the audacity to pass up an opportunity such as this one. But he was no fool. 

Or at least that's what he told himself.

Sienna smiled at the man as her fingers lightly stroked the lapels of his suit jacket. His gaze shifted from her enchanting eyes down to her dainty little hand that caressed the designer fabric covering his chest. A sinful smirk tugged at Pavlov's dry lips as he looked back at the lonely woman, his suspicions now confirmed by a single touch. 

"I have a room here," he grabbed her lingering hand from his jacket and pressed a small kiss to her palm. She bit her tongue to stop herself from gagging at the feeling of his chapped lips against her skin. "Would you like to accompany me?" he asked as he fiddled with her fingers. She forced a fake smile and nodded her head, silently accepting the man's invitation.

Nikolai smirked triumphantly as he stood from the bar stool, holding his hand out for the woman to take. She placed her much smaller one in his and stood to her full height, towering over the shorter man. She was forced to bite her lip in order to stifle the laugh that threatened to erupt from her throat. Although she was wearing four-inch heels, she was still easily a good inch or two taller than him without them.

After closing his tab and graciously paying for hers as well, he led the woman to the elevators in the main lobby and pressed the call button. The doors slid open, and Pavlov stepped in, Sienna following closely behind as the man jabbed the button that led to his room and ultimately, his demise.

As the lift ascended, the man was quick to run his hands all over her hourglass figure while kissing her neck with his cracked lips. She choked back a sound of disgust and instead faked a moan. By now, she knew how to make it sound believable with the number of men that had fallen victim to 'La Sirena'.

Sienna was well aware of the reputation that she had built for herself, whispers of 'The Captain' and 'La Sirena' took the underworld by storm when she began her work. Even the biggest faces in the business cowered at the sound of her name. They still do. With her being presumed dead and her identity being a complete mystery, it made trapping the poor bastards that much easier.

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