Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


George started packing more clothes and things. He threw in the outfit he would wear to Florida and decided on bringing his black Dream hoodie and black sweat pants for pj's. He only had a one way ticket too. He remembered what Dream had said about him in the hoodie.

He would stay at the house as long as he could, or until Dream had enough and kicked him out. The thought of his best friend trying to kick him out made him laugh, he could never. He was too nice, too caring, too... perfect. George was brought quickly back into reality when a bus drove by blowing it's insanely loud horns. He sighed and fell onto the bed backwards. His phone started ringing. Speak of the devil. He answered.

"Hello, Clay."he answered.
On the other end Dream's heart skipped a few beats hearing George say his real name.

"Hey, I was thinking about coming to the UK but-" Dream started.

George paled and his fingers went cold, he laughed nervously.

"Y-you haven't already gotten the ticket yet have you?" he asked, trying not to sound like he was panicking.

"No, not yet." Dream replied.

"Oh thank gods." George breathed a sigh of relief, "I have a surprise for you, got it? You can't go anywhere until you get the surprise. No traveling or anything, yeah?" he demanded.

"Uh, sure?" Dream laughed.

"Good you'll get it in three days."
"Alright then."

"Goodbye, Clay."

"Bye, bug eyes."

George hung up and exhaled. That was close.

He sat up and heard his phone ring again. Alex.

He picked it up and answered it.

"What's up, Alex?" he asked while struggling to balance his phone pressed between his shoulder and ear and putting some socks in his suitcase. Alex and Sapnap knew where he was going, no one else had any idea. He chose Alex and Sapnap because Alex couldn't care less, and Sapnap would've found out, he has a way of knowing everything.

"Hey, I don't appreciate how you hung up on me earlier dude." he said in a fake whiny voice that made George laugh.

"What do you mean?" the brunette replied.

Alex huffed.

"When you hung upon me because Dream was calling."

5hours ago...

George was on the phone with Alex playing Minecraft, you know, the usual, when Dream suddenly called.

"Oh wait, Dream's calling me?" George said looking down at his lap.

"Oh?" Quackity started.

"Bye Quackity."George exclaimed.

"What the-.." he responded.

"Yeah bye."

"Bye I guess."

George laughed and hung up, answering Dream's call. George knows that Dream was that type of guy that you can't put on speaker on stream without telling him he's on stream because no one knows what will come out of his mouth.

"Dream, I'm live, I'm live!" he said immediately.

"George!" Dream exclaimed.

"I'm live!" he said making sure he didn't say anything embarrassing.

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