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All good things must come to an end...Well, thats what I've always been told.


I'm Lloyd by the way, Lloyd Garmadon. And I'm an orphan. I just thought you'd like to know my name since we'll be spending quite some time together.

So you want to know how I became an orphan huh?
Well I'm not too sure on that myself to be honest, but since I mentioned it I kinda need to explain myself now don't I?

I don't really have memory of my childhood. It was quite a traumatic part of my life, well it wasn't until the 'accident'. At least I'm led to believe it that way.
What the accident was I couldn't tell you. Not because I don't want to, but because I literally can't, for the simple reason that I don't remember.

Sometime after the 'accident' I was diagnosed with amnesia. Unfortunate right? I now go to therapy because of it. That and other reasons. I won't go into all that right now, it's a lot. For now, lets just say that from that point onward, nothing was the same. I had no parents and no one wanted me. People don't want, let alone like what's different.
And I'm far from what they would consider normal.

What do I remember?

... I don't remember a lot of things, I wish I did...
I wish I knew the faces that raised me, the ones that loved me unconditionally. That picked me up when I fell down, wiped my tears when I cried. I just wish.... Wish that I could remember their faces.. thats all I want.

I do remember one thing though. I remember their voices, how kind and gentle their voices were, the things they used to say to me, it's like a distant fantasy now, the fact that they were part of my life once.
Sometimes it's as if I can actually hear them.. I'm grateful for that much.

It's a mystery to me, how people can just disappear, leave without a trace, almost as if they never existed in the first pace... how strange.. I wonder if they ever think about what they left behind.
I don't blame them if they did just leave, I sometimes think I deserve it. Scratch that, I do deserve it. I seem to be good at driving people out of my life, thats all I ever do. No wonder my parents left.

Thats all besides the point, long story short, I don't know how I became an orphan, I don't know who my parents are, where they are, or what happened to them. I don't even know if I have any other family. I don't have siblings I know that much, but relatives? No clue.

Its sad I know, but its not like I can do anything about it. I am who I am and this is my life I have to live with. I guess it could be worse right?

You probably didn't want to listen to all that huh..

But maybe one day... one day I'll find out what happened...


From just a glance, it's clear the setting is a child's bedroom. Hunter green walls lined the floor space with photo frames containing inspirational quotes such as 'your only limit is your mind' or 'you are your own home', hung upon them, stone grey curtains draped in front of a large window, sunlight seeping in through any gaps there may be, giving the room a honey hue. It was comforting, welcoming even, the calming atmosphere surrounding the room was enough to make anyone fall asleep, but it was morning.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2022 ⏰

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