Chapter 1: Heres to meeting new people

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Growing up people thought falling in love would come easy to me because I was skinny, pretty, had amazing hair and a great personality. This had been me going into my junior year but to me that wasn't where my story began. Sometimes I wonder why my life got easier because I was skinnier. Was it because society just thinks people have it better when they're skinny or is it because I look average and beautiful? That's a question I'm still uncertain of what the answer is.
Where are my manners? I'm Gina, Gina Caswell. The day I was born was also the day my worst enemy was born and now I know what you're thinking, that this is about the story where you grew up hating someone and they fell in love but that's where you're wrong.
When I started kindergarten, so did Jeremiah, and we ended up in the same class. Very lucky for me, am I right? Wrong. He bullied me to the point where I got so stuck up I became depressed. It felt like Jeremiah was just this bully to me and somehow he made me angry, mad and miserable about everything and he thought he had all this control because his parents were extremely rich and mine weren't.
Throughout the years even when I didn't have classes with Jeremiah he would still find a way to make my life horrible and terrorize me. I told my parents throughout the years and me and Jeremiah's parents have talked and Jeremiah got in trouble but that never stopped him from bullying me even more. He made me feel like a tiny ant and every time he said something or bullied me I felt like I was getting stomped on over and over again.
After years of getting bullied by Jeremiah I was told that people were calling me ginormous gina and even though Jessica and Alex (my 2 bestfriends) stood up for me, it was three kids against the whole school.
So you're probably wondering why they would be calling me ginormous gina and that's because after years of being bullied by jeremiah i acquired a binge eating disorder which made me gain a lot of weight. It made me go from 68 pounds to 200 pounds in over a year.
I always thought it was easier to eat my way out of a problem. By 6th grade i was diagnosed with extreme depression and i was obese. So I started going to therapy and stopped eating junk food but nothing helped and it led to ruining my body. So by 7th grade I was exhausted and tired and had enough, enough of being called fat, being bullied, and everyone always hating me that I became suicidal.
After I came home from another miserable day of school no one was home and I needed someone but again no one was there for me so I took a knife from my kitchen, the sharpest one I could find and I wrote my mother and father a letter and put it on my nightstand. Then I took the knife and slit my wrist.
Even though I knew I was gonna bleed, I was shocked that I had this much blood in me because it just kept pouring out and out till the last image I saw was my mother looking shocked in the doorway at her daughter laying in a pool of her blood.
I finally went unconscious and my mom quickly called 911 and held me in her arms, hysterically crying, awaiting the arrival of the paramedics. We made it to the hospital and as my mom waited for the doctors to come update her she read the note i wrote her and started crying.
The note said "hey mom and dad im so sorry for giving up for not being like you i'm letting others put me down instead of turning it around and im sick and tired of being bullied just know there is nothing you could of done to stop me from this decision and to just move on and forget about me love your beloved daughter Gina."
My dad finally reached the hospital and found my mother crying. She was most likely blaming herself and wondering where she went wrong in my upbringing. I hated myself so much to the point I thought I was better off dead. After the doctors saved my life my mom and dad came into the room and explained how sorry they were that they werent there for me when I needed them to be. I was discharged from the hospital two day later.
My parents told me to pack my bag because they had to send me to a mental facility so that I could get better mentally and physically. They visited me every weekend and sometimes took me out to places. The mental facility wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. They helped me lose weight and taught me how to love myself. 4 years went by in a flash to them but to me they were long and painful and life changing.
When I got out and finally came home it was the end of the summer before my junior year and barely anyone would recognize me except for Jessica and Alex Walker (my besties). They are twins and are both cute and handsome and have no idea why they used to hang out with a fat chubby girl like me but I loved them for not judging me by appearance, they were the best.
So when I came back my family hung out and apparently my enemy Jeremiah had been staying with them because his parents passed away recently and when I found out I flipped on them. The first night back and i was already hating it how could they do this to me i thought.
My mom enters my room and so i ask her "Mom, why does he have to stay here after all he's done to me? I almost killed myself because of him". "Sweetie, the reason he was staying here was because he's been paying for the house. Your dad and I were broke and he felt horrible after finding out what he was doing to you so he paid for us to keep the house and still pays for it" my mother said to me.
"But why don't you guys move or kick him out?" I said to my mother. "Sweetie what type of people would we be if we kicked the person who's been paying for our house out and we thought it would be easier if you came home to a surrounding that was normal to you" said my mother. "But you thought letting the person who literally made me try to end my life would be a great thing to come home to" I said as I yelled at her to get out. I called Jessica and Alex and asked if I could stay over at their house for a couple of days and of course they agreed. So I packed my clothes and I headed out the door.
Until Jeremiah stepped in front of it and said "gina wait i really have to tell you something". "What do you possibly want to say that would make me change my mind about you?" I said towards jeremiah. "I just wanted to say I'm really sorry and I'm gonna move out by the end of the week and will still help pay for your house. I just hope one day you will find it in your heart to forgive me" said Jeremiah and for a second I didn't recognize him. I said "ok well i don't care what you do, do as you please but just letting you know i will never forgive you for what you put me through all that pain and suffering isn't gonna go away because you pay for my house and it never will". I storm out the house and in my head i'm telling myself that guy has some nerve and that's when it happen *boom*.
I looked over and saw a house nearby in flames. I drove over there as fast as I could while calling the fire department and noticed it was Jessica and Alex's house. As I saw Alex carrying Jessica outside and followed by their mom and dad I felt some relief but was still worried because Jessica was unconscious.
Now I know what you're thinking again, aren't we off topic? The answer is no, so pay attention to what happens next.  Finally the firetrucks and ambulance showed up and put out the fires and showed medical attention to Jessica but unfortunately they took her straight to the ambulance so i drove me and Alex to the hospital while her mom went in the ambulance and the dad drove himself.
As we sit and wait I grow impatient and go grab a coffee and that's where I meet him. David. As I ordered my vanilla bean frappe I went to get my wallet and forgot that I left it in my car so I said to the worker "I left my wallet in my car can you put my order to the side please". The worker shook her head yes.
But then I heard him say " it's okay I can pay for it only if you don't mind. Just add it to my order please". "Thank you so much" I said and he responded saying "i'm glad to have bought it for you. If you don't mind me asking, why are you at the hospital". I told him "My best friend Jessica was in a house fire and went unconscious, and we are hoping she wakes up soon but what brings you here and are you from around here".
He takes a deep breath and says "I'm actually not from around here. I was visiting my aunt when she started coughing up blood. I rushed her to the hospital and the doctors said it should be another hour till she wakes". '' Well, if you don't mind, could we wait together?" I said. "Sure it beats waiting here alone" David said.
An hour goes by and the doctors come out and tell David  "your aunt is awake but she will need further care and I highly recommend a care facility or a family member who can watch over her at night and with that said you can now go see her".
Surprisingly at the same time the doctors come over to me and tell me that Jessica will be okay and that she is now awake and ready to go home. I go over to Alex and his parents and tell them the good news and then I go talk to david.
I said to him "I hope your aunt is going to be okay, do you want me to stick around" as he lets out a sigh and says " would you mind sticking around? I think I'm gonna move in with her so I would like to have someone to show me around". "Sure i would love to show you around and since school is starting i can hangout with you there if you're okay with that" i said.
He smiles and shakes his head yes and heads off to go see his aunt as I wait in the lobby. I checked my phone and saw I had a text from Jessica already. She said 'Ofc I'm not dead haha it's gonna take alot more than a fire to put me out lol'. I laughed as I read the text from her.
About an hour goes by and I seem to have fallen asleep. David comes out and wakes me up. He says that the doctor told him that his aunt is gonna stay here for a couple days til he can get stuff situated and so we headout the hospital and as we get in the car i noticed its 7:00pm so i asked david "wanna get something to eat then i'll drive you home and show you around tomorrow?" "Sure sounds good, I am starving right about now thanks" he replied.
We ate and got to know each other very well. I asked him where he was from and how close he is to his aunt. After we were done eating I paid for dinner even though he insisted on paying but I told him "just think of this as me paying you back for buying me my coffee this morning" and then I drove David home and said goodnight while giving him my number and then I headed home for the night.
When I woke up the next morning my mom asked me if she wanted me to go shopping with her for clothes and i told her no i'm showing someone around the neighborhood. So I ate breakfast and texted David and said, "Hey David, I'm ready to show you around the neighborhood and help you get situated, so just text me and lmk when you're ready for me to pick you up".
As i get ready my phone goes off *buzz* *buzz* two missed calls from Jessica. So i called her back and she answered and said "hey gina so we went to North Carolina and we are gonna be here for a week while the people we hired fix our house" surprised i told her "is it only gonna take a weeeek to fix your house" she said "yea but the sooner they finish it the sooner we get to hangout but i gotta go also alex said hi talk to you soon sissta from different peoples'' i said bye and hung up. After their house burnt down they hit the road immediately after the hospital and went to visit some family members in North Carolina.
5 minutes went by and david had texted me saying this 'hey gina im ready to get my day started but we need to go to the mall and highschool today so i can enroll if you don't mind' so i texted him back 'hey david i'm leaving i'll be there in 5 minutes and i have no problem driving you anywhere im free all day so willing to help you with anything you need'. So I headed off and went to his house and we got started with the day and little did we know this was gonna be an adventurous day.
After we got to the mall we purchased several items that were necessary for his aunt's condition and headed to the school so he could enroll. After that we headed to get something to eat and by this time it was 2:00 so we went to the house and set everything up which took us about 3 hours and it was now 5:12. As we went to go get some water we heard someone knock on the door 'bang' 'bang'. And when I opened the door David's jaw dropped wide open.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2021 ⏰

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