Turlough x Reader | Mother and Father roleplay part 2

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Out of everyone the teacher could have picked, it hat to be Him, I doubt he even has feelings for people, even his friend Hippo probably doesn't get any remorse or some kind of feeling from him either. How is he still friends with Turlough? Ill have to ask Hippo the next time I see him.

Eventually, you we're brought back to reality by Turlough. "What do we even do with this 'so called' child?" You looked at Turlough with a very disapproving look. "your supposed to take care of it, as a practice for when your an adult. I'm the mother and your the father and we need to work together to take care of this child." Turlough looked at the plastic baby disapprovingly. "why should I do this? I won't have any kids! they're nothing but brats!" As Turlough became quite furious that he was set up to do this, let alone would he bother to finish the task anyways, you took the plastic doll from him. "I'm quite surprised that your parents kept you as long as they did!" Turlough looked somewhat hurt, but you never bothered to notice. Turlough deiced to leave and try not to disturb you.

As Turlough walked around the school grounds not caring that you still had the so called 'child'. as he walked around the grounds, he suddenly got an idea how to get out of the work. Once the plan was all thought out, he immediately walked to the health classroom.

As you walked around with the child in hand, you decided to go see your friends who were hanging out in the middle of the cafeteria. As you walked up to them, you saw that they were sad and disappointed. "What's wrong? Is it because I have the health classes toy baby in my hands?" Your best friend (bfn) came up to you and put a hand on your shoulder. "We are very sorry for you." you looked at them confused. "Why are you sorry? what's going on?" as you began to worry your friend (fn) came up to you. "I'm sorry you were teamed up with Turlough, I hope he doesn't cause you any trouble." As you watched them, you took a big sigh of relief. "I thought it was going to be something horrible!" (bfn)'s eyes widened. "What do you mean by 'thought it would be something horrible!'? This is bad!" you watched your friend as she slowly began to panic. "relax (bfn)! its only for a month! it will go by quick!" (bfn) growled. "I hope so..." you softly chuckled because of how protective (bfn) is. "I mean, what can go wrong? we're only taking care of a plastic child! no love involved!"

As Turlough waited for the health teacher, he decided to draw on the chalkboard. As he drew, he realized he was drawing his home planet, Trion. But what he was drawing wasn't his once beautiful planet, instead it was death. A carnage of people lined the streets with blood soaking into their once pristine clothes. Despite the war, he missed Trion and he would give anything to go back and restore the once beautiful place. But in the end, all he could think of is the war. The people he had to watch die, and the bloodshed that ran throughout the planet is enough to drive a man mad. As Turlough was too deep in his thoughts, he didn't notice the teacher trying to get his attention. "Turlough! Quit daydreaming and tell me what it is you want to speak about?" Turlough was snapped out of his thoughts, and he turned to the teacher, regaining everything he planned. "I would like to drop out of this assignment." The teacher looked at him and laughed. "no can do Turlough! you have to take care of that child!" Turlough raised his voice "but I don't want a child and I will never have one! they are nothing but brats!" The teacher looked at Turlough for what seemed like a minute. "brats? brats you say? they are children! they don't know better! They aren't soldiers that answer every command! And as an infant, they are helpless! what would you do if you saw a baby lying on the streets in the freezing cold?" Turlough thought, he wanted to say 'I would do nothing at all' but then, he felt remorse. He thought about the children who have died in the war, and the baby he found in a basket on a street corner. He could have had a sister, or a daughter even, until she was killed right in front of him by some rebels. Turlough sighed "Alright, ill do it" the teacher smiled. "good for you! You really aren't stuck up like Ebenezer scrooge! Now go help (y/n) with that child!"

{I'm sorry if i don't play out Turlough that well, i had an idea for him to prank the health teacher but nothing came to mind so i continued writing and this is how it came out, and im sorry if anyone gets mad at me for saying that Turlough was fighting rebels, IM SORRY! and if anyone dose any 'guess that reference' i put down Ebenezer Scrooge because of the time it was made (Christmas 2016) and because Mark Strickson (who played as Turlough) also played as young Scrooge in the 1984 movie. THE MORE YOU KNOW! im done for now, see ya!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2021 ⏰

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