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Prentiss: hey guys I might be a bit late to work this morning, some idiot hit me with their car last night so I'm in the ER 🙄

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JJ: oh my god, Em, why didn't you tell me

JJ: also don't try to come to work if you're in the ER, dumbass

Prentiss: it's not that big of a deal, the doctor said all the bleeding was internal. That's where the blood's supposed to be :D

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Prentiss: wdym

Rossi: I ran down someone with my car last night

JJ: holy shit

Prentiss: goddamn it Rossi, you're paying for my hospital bills, lord knows you can afford it

door.slam420 is online

Morgan: damn, it really hurts to see other people living out your dream

Rossi: what dream is that

Morgan: running down Emily with my car

a_hot_nerd is online

Hotchner: Emily, I'm so sorry that happened. Are you feeling alright?

Prentiss: DEEZ NUTS

Prentiss: damn you, Derek Morgan

JJ: what was that

Prentiss: Derek made a shortcut in my phone that every time I type the word "y e s" it autocorrects to deez nuts

Morgan: we're just gonna gloss over the fact that Hotch asked Emily if she was feeling fine after getting hit by a car

Prentiss: I am feeling fine besides all my broken ribs and the fact that I can't feel my legs.

JJ: oh god, I'm coming over to the hospital right now

Morgan: gaaaayyyy

Rossi: gaaaaayyyyy

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Prentiss: speaking of gay

Morgan: LMAO

s_reid64 is online

Reid: hi everyone, what did I miss?

Prentiss: Rossi ran me over in his car, and Garcia and JJ are gay

JJ: ok guys, I'm here at the hospital with her, and the nurse is about to give her some meds for the pain, so don't expect her to make much sense in a few minutes

Morgan: oh my god send us a picture of her

JJ: no! She wouldn't like it if I did that

Morgan: you're a bummer

Prentiss: jhH^%1jah*[7ja2

Garcia: you good there sweetie

Prentiss: guy theres a really pretty girl sitting next to me whatdoidkookksjsjs

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Garcia: aw, that's so cute, she's talking about JJ

JJ: no it's not, she's talking about her nurse 😒

JJ: oh god, she just tried to grab her nurse's ass


JJ: Derek what is wrong with you

Morgan: nothing, I'm just helping my lesbian friend find love

Rossi: wait since when is Emily a lesbian

Morgan: literally her and JJ have been fucking for like a month 💀💀💀

JJ: fuck you, no we haven't

Morgan: the voicemail I have from you when you butt dialed me says otherwise 🤭

JJ: that's not true

Morgan: ok, I'll send it to this groupchat then

JJ: fine you win, don't do that

Rossi: happy pride month to JJ and Emily specifically

Reid: it's september??

Rossi: every month is pride month when you're fruity

Hotchner: what does it mean to be fruity?

JJ: damn, why does Hotch text like he's writing the president's emails or something lmao

Morgan: Hotch, it means you like fruit

Hotch: oh, ok, I'm fruity too then.


Reid: JJ, how do you do that

JJ: it's a keyboard smash, hit anything

Reid: 7

Rossi: well done

JJ: shit, Emily spilled her water everywhere, I should probably go. Bye guys

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Morgan: yeah, I'm gonna go as well

door.slam420 is offline

Garcia: byeeeeee

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