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princessxsunshine is online

Garcia: hey everyone, what's the happs?

s_reid64 is online

Reid: "the happs" ?

Garcia: it means what's happening, smart one 🙄

Reid: oh.

Reid: not much.

prentits69 is online

Prentiss: do you guys wanna go to the mall with me

pasta.boy is online

Rossi: why

door.slam420 is online

Prentiss: I need some new slacks.

Morgan: can we go to Spencer's

Reid: like my house??

Garcia: no it's a store

Reid: what do they sell?

Prentiss: it's like an edgy store with like tshirts and vibrators and stuff

Reid: oh yeah, vibe raters. I need to get my vibe checked.

Morgan: 💀💀💀

Garcia: PLEASE-


Rossi: kid...

Reid: what did I say?

Garcia: no one tell him.

Prentiss: omg he's just so innocent lmao

cheet0z is online

JJ: spence...

Reid: guys, what is it??

JJ: nothing, buddy.

Prentiss: so do you guys wanna go with me or not

Reid: yeah, I need to check out this "Spencers."

JJ: I'll come too

Garcia: cough simp cough

JJ: shut up

a_hot_nerd is online

Hotchner: what is all this about?

Hotchner: and why is Spencer talking about sex toys?

Reid: that's what that is?????

Morgan: aren't you supposed to be like the smartest person in the bau 😐

Prentiss: are you guys gonna go to the mall with me or not???

Hotchner: no.

Prentiss: bruh moment

Garcia: I'll come!!

Prentiss: yay :D

Garcia: assuming you don't wanna go with just JJ

Prentiss: no, why?

Garcia: oh idk i just thought since you're like 👉👌

JJ: why are we the butt of like everyone's jokes


JJ: what the hell em

Prentiss: sorry

Hotchner: I'm gonna have to pretend I didn't read that.

Garcia: babes, be honest with yourselves it was more than that

JJ: shut up Garcia

JJ: don't you dare say anything Agent Prentiss

a_hot_nerd is offline

Morgan: oh damn she pulled the "Agent Prentiss"

Morgan: trouble in paradise??

cheet0z removed door.slam420 from the chat

princessxsunshine added door.slam420 to the chat

JJ: c'mon Garcia

Garcia: heehee

Prentiss: this ended up so badly I was just wondering if anyone wanted to come to the mall with me 💀💀💀

Garcia: me and spence and JJ will come

Morgan: that's what she said

Prentiss: that doesn't even make any sense

Prentiss: ok i'm leaving now to pick you up

JJ: alright see you soon

prentits69 is offline

cheet0z is offline

door.slam420 is offline

pasta.boy is offline

s_reid64 is offline

princessxsunshine is offline

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2022 ⏰

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