Connverse (Steven x Connie)

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Please don't hate, but this is definitely not my favorite ship. Also, I hate the ship name "Stevonnie" because it is also the name of the fusion between Steven and Connie. I mean, c'mon! There has to be some way to distinguish the fusion and the ship.

In the beginning of the show, Steven sort of had a crush on Connie and there was actual chemistry. At this point, I actually did kind of ship Connverse. Connie was shy, had strict parents, and loved reading. She was often alone and eventually found a friend in Steven, who she then opened up to. Steven brought Connie into his world of gem magic and missions and healed her eyesight so she no longer needed glasses. However, Connie went through a drastic change that was less like character development and more like she was supposed to be the strong female human of the show. Instead of giving Connie realistic growth, her entire personality was altered and her hobbies changed too. I can understand if she took up sword fighting lessons with Pearl, but when she did everything else about her also changed.

In Steven Universe Future, Steven keeps things from her and they don't have a normal boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, although it is clear that is sort of what is going on. In the last episode, they have a quick kiss, but not much is resolved between them and Steven leaves Beach City alone.

Steven and Connie's relationship just isn't very good and makes for a very poor couple. Do I ship it? No

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