Chapter 17: I'm Gonna Carry On

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Kurt's POV

I wake up and see a text from Blaine.

Goodnight Kurt <3

That's so sweet! I remember that today is the day I'm going to break up with Christian. I wipe the teardrop that just started falling from my eyes. No more crying, I'm going to be strong.

The rest of the day just took forever. I walk in the hallway to Biology...

I walk in as Christian goes up to me.

"Hi babe! What's up?" He says. I just feel anger. I ignore him and go straight to my seat. I don't say a word the whole class period. I can't make a scene in front of all these people! The bell rings and I walk out as Christian follows me.

"Did I do something wrong?" He says as he runs up to me.

"Well you made out with a guy at a club in LA." I say not making eye contact with him. I can't, I know I will break down if I do.

"Kurt how did you..."

"Oh so you're not denying it. See I don't know if you know but cheating is wrong. It is the worst thing you can do to someone." I say as I look at him. Crap why the hell did I do that?! I try to look away but I just cant. I look in his eyes and all I see is lies.

"I'm sorry I was drunk and..."

"And what? That it's just a one time thing? That it's just a silly hookup? That it didn't mean anything?"

"I love you Kurt." He says as he fights back his tears.

"No." I look in his eyes as it took every last bit of me to say it. He is crying now.

"We are done." I say as I walk away with tears falling from my eyes. I see Santana bashing some kid in the hallway and I run up to her. She hugs me and looks at Christian.

"You are a disgusting human being. You're garbage." She says to him as we walk away.

"Kurt I love you!" Christian yells

"Shut up. From now on you will NOT go near Kurt or else I will go all Lima Heights on your sorry ass." She screams at him. Thank god for Santana. She walks me to my next class and we go to the Lima Bean after school.

"Thank you for doing what you did today Santana!" I say to her

"No problem lady hummel! I wanted to beat the crap out of him but I don't feel like getting suspended. So are you done with him?"

"Yes! I'm officially done. And it doesn't really hurt anymore, I just feel really empowered! After the heartache I'm gonna carry on! Just like Madonna!"

"Okay if you start singing Living For Love I will literally pour this cup of coffee on your head." Santana says as we laugh.

"Oh I almost forgot, so Blaine has a performance at BreadStix tomorrow night want to come? Rachel will be home by then and you can also bring Brittany!"

"A performance? You mean a boring three minute piano piece? No count me out I will just fall asleep."

"Come on Santana! I'll pay for your meal! But no large drinks!"

"Okay fine!" She says as we get up to walk home.

"I'M GONNA CARRY ON!!!" I sing at the top of my lungs as we cross the street.

"Kurt shut up!"

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