Reborn for Love -MY IDOL

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Season 2 , chapter 1

And he is coming closer more closer, and kiss kiss wait Water 💧whatttt
Mom- U Tomboy get up still in ur fantasies stop Fangirling now u are going to be an attontery soon

Offho This Lady My whole dream my Jiang Yi , I can't even dream . 😭
SHEÑ Please make the great singer , actor my Boyfriend Then I will shut up the mouth of this lady.

Mom-He will never he doesn't even know that u exist in this World My JEAN

And hearing this word my head started spinning showing some flashes
(Zh-my Jean , Bh-Jaan, Zh-Jean) ohho once more and it's paining like hell , the day since I am 19 these flashes comes hearing words like Jean , Jaan and my Mom being an Indian uses these words often I can't tell her warna She will take me to India to some Beaba and all , The only thing I like about India is Kolkata.


I have my breakfast and then I headed to Shanghai Law University,  yes u heard right. And and I forgot to introduce myself I am Yu SHENG SHENG,  I am a Law Student and Part Time reporter , now u will think why  I am. SO let me tell u , My father is the CEO of the Shanghai Programming but we both are like north and south where he want to give me all luxuries without any hardwork , I want to just be independent I never use a single penny from his money Leaving my room coz my grandma decorated it when she was in her last stage . I Love JIANG YI he is one of the best Actor and Singer and His Face is true replica of a Late Star Steven Zhang  they both looks truly same , and what is more interesting that we both share the same birthdate. My half of the room is decorated with his pictures.  I just wish to meet him once. And here I reach my university. And here my intro also finishes.

Tong-Sheng Sheng come fast Predator is waiting
Sh-stop aying him he is soo nice why u say Like this
Ton- u won't understand u are his favorite by the way
Yu- Maso Maso (yes yes)  coz I wnt to be the best then I can meet Jiang Yi
Ton-comeon RUN

Offo my talks about JIANG yi

We were just talking when Proff came
Prof- Ni Hao , Zhaosang hao
prof-there is a special case for u all in which if u won u will get a prize money of RMB100000 who is interested raise ur hand.

And I will not raise , coz I know him , he always chooses the person who never raises his hand and I WANT THIS CASE there are many secrets about professers which only I know and I never share them coz my principle of life is never help anyone .

My thoughts were broken by Predator (opps sorry)
Prof-YU SHENG SHENG u ill fight this case come with me too meet thee client
Yu-Woaha coming Pre....Proffeser ( hush )

And we both went to Proff cabin to meet my client
As I entered I Fainted......really I fainted

I heard some sound I tried to wake up , and then I saw someone's face
......- are u ok
Yu-Am I dreaming

Rezlly I thought I m
.....-No why

I whouted so loudly that he freeked out

Proff-stop shouting either whole university will be here
Yu-He....Hel.....He ...... is standing in front of me and u are saying not to shout
Jg Yii-Lady are u okkk
YU-yes Yess I am May I hug u
Proff- u can hug him after wards talk about the case first
I asked Innocently
Ji-Promise Sheng Sheng please first discuss this case cause I have a photoshoot
Yu- Ok ok 

He called me by my name , I started him for a while and then my professional personality came up we discussed for 1 hour andmade a Master Blaster plan and  then he started leaving

Jiang-So Miss Yu from tommorow come to my villa
Yu-Sure Sure IDOL
Jiang-ohh I forgot to hug u

Omggggg, He hugged me and then he left.

I was in my lala world for 10 mins.


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