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Farrah POV (a year and 4 months later, Christmas Eve)

"Just the two of us for Christmas." I smiled at Caleb as he lite the candles at the table.

"Yup now we just have to wait for the pizza." Caleb smiled at me and leaned in to kiss me when there was a knock at the door.

"Damn pizza man." Caleb growled, but went back to kiss me when I stopped him.

"Go get the pizza." I giggled and he frowned.

"But there's only thirty more seconds till their late and then it's free." Caleb pointed out and leaned in to kiss me when I stopped him yet again.

"Go get the pizza you cheap skate." I giggled and slapped his butt when he walked by.

"Here's twenty-"

"Caleb my love!" I heard Chase and got up to go see what's going on.

"Laura, Chase!" I gasped when I saw them at the door way. Chase was hugging Caleb like his life was depending on it and what surprised me was that Caleb was hugging him back.

"Farrah! How have you been?" Laura asked me giving me a hug.

"Oh I've been great. How have you Chase been?" I asked her heading into the kitchen.

"We've been good collage been great and Chase is a really good teacher." Laura smiled sitting down at the table and her eyes widen when she saw the table.

"Did we uh interrupt something?" She asked blushing almost as bad as me.

"Oh um not really." I chuckled blowing out the candles and turning on the lights.

"Holy shit Laura what have you been feeding Chase? He weighs a ton." Caleb asked Laura giving Chase a pat on the back.

"Ouch man that hurt." Chase frowned and put his hand over his heart.

Laura and I laughed at the two goof balls as they bugged each other when there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get in case you hug the life out of the pizza man to." I told Caleb who glared at me.

I opened the door to be rammed into.

"Farrah!" The person yelled who sounded a lot like Jules yelled.

"Jules?" I looked at the person and it was Jules.

"Hey ya stranger." She grinned at me.

"Hey fatso." I grinned at her and she gasped getting off of me finally.

"Farrah who's at the door?" Caleb ask walking over to us.

"Jules and... Logan!" I smiled when Logan poked his head in the door.

"Hey man how have you guys been?" Caleb asked Logan, the two doing their man hug thingy.

"Good. Jules still in college is a little hard when I pick her up from the campus and my old teachers give me some weird looks since I transferred." Logan chuckled and Jules pulled him into the house and to the kitchen where she tackled Laura to the ground.

"Um Caleb," I motioned Caleb over, "We should actually cook something cause sorry to say, one pizza isn't gonna cut it." I told him and he nodded his head in agreement.

"Hey Laura, Jules can you guys help me make dinner?" I asked them and they nodded.

"Hey Farrah," Jules looked over at me and I raised my eyebrow at her, "Do you think I should drop out of the college I go to?" She asked and mine and Laura's mouth dropped.

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