The Rivalry

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The next chapter in Ronghua's story is set about two decades after his 'birth', of sorts. Any way you put it, the titan was a force of destruction. The monster had moved through city after city, tearing through the inhabitants one by one, driving them to extinction. 

Rome. The old capital of Italy towered over the surrounding landscape. Columns, domes, and arches were pretty much any and everywhere, with some of the architecture dating back centuries. The city was older than Ronghua himself - and Ronghua didn't like that. To be fair, he didn't like anything, really. As the smouldering titan converged on the city with an almost devilish look on his boiling features, he was greeted by a piercing roar, originating from nearly across the city. A thundering force rolled through the cobbled pavements, murky green, scaly, and equipped with a set of massive jaws and a whip-like tail that looked as if it could slice through a building - which it probably could.  Caimecus. The stockily built, bulky alligator got up on his hind limbs, then dropped down, allowing his front two feet to slam into the ground with crushing force, cracking some of the decade-old brick.

Ronghua would have narrowed his eyes if he didn't need them to focus on the kaiju ahead of him. Elongating both arms into ten metre scythes, cars and small houses, along with people, were crushed and absorbed into his body as he slowly approached Caimecus. The gator returned the favour, grinding his jaws together as the opponents circled each other. Hushed voices whispered from windows, as both kaiju squared off against each other.

Caimecus made the first lunge, propelling his several-thousand-ton bulk towards Ronghua's body. This sent both kaiju sprawling onto the streets, with Ronghua managing to slow down by digging his 'picks' into the ground, while Caimecus gripped the sidewalks with his jaw, leveling most of the ground as his teeth gouged ditches into the concrete. Ronghua advanced, unhinging his jaw to release a torrent of molten lava which burned most of the crocodilian's side, although not quite piercing the armour. Caimecus howled in fury, almost galloping towards Ronghua in an attempt to trample the kaiju. Ronghua set his arms ablaze to greet the approaching crocodile. As Caimecus tilted his head downward to increase the impact size - and so that his snout wouldn't be crushed -, Ronghua hooked his elbows underneath the alligator's arms and yanked him upwards, effectively trapping the gator in somewhat of a bear hug. Briefly releasing him, Ronghua then wrapped both limbs around Caimecus's charred body, slowly crushing him in a fiery embrace. Writhing in pain and blinded anger, the gator pushed all four limbs against Ronghua's chest, managing to break the chokehold. He hastily burrowed underneath the damaged ground, disappearing so he could heal and hopefully challenge the giant again.

Caimecus and Ronghua continue to have a rivalry to this day - that fight in Rome sparked a small war between the two kaiju, but Ronghua still manages to hold off the crocodile's advances and wins or draws every fight - as expected from a giant made from one of the primordial forces of nature. 

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