Chapter 1

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"Guys, this is Detective Erin Lindsay, she's your new partner " Voight intruduced the woman standing next to him. Everyone looked at her . Can't they just look anywhere else Erin thought
"Jay,you'll show her the whole department, Dawson,Burgess and Ruzek you'll come with me to a new crime scene" Voight explained . "Do you have whiskey or something else here" Erin asked when everyone left. "Uhm no of course not" Jay replied and looked a bit angry . He didn't like his new partner. "It was just a joke ok" Erin said and laughed. "That's not even funny ok." He was annoyed from her. Erin just kept smiling and asked random questions. Dammit Erin what in hell i have to do that you just shut up Jay thought. He turned around and walked back into the common room. Just shut up please he thought . Just as he had finished thinking about yelling at her, he saw her collapsing. "Erin??" She didn't answer.

"What happened.." Erin whispered as she woke up. She was lying on the couch and Jay and another man she didn't know stood next to her. "You collapsed "Jay explained and gave her a glass of water. She sat up and drank the water. Dammit why does this always happen Erin thought . "You better go home and lay down again" The other man said. "Yeah Atwater is right" Jay agreed. "I'm ok, next time I'll just drink more" She replied and stood up.

An half hour later the others came back. "We had arrested the most stupid shooter I've ever seen in my entire life " Kim said and rolled her eyes. "He didn't even tried to run away, he just sat there and said -you'll never get me- and just 1 minute later he sat in the police car" Adam added. "What happened here? Or did you just made some paperwork " Kim asked. "Erin-"
"Nothing happened, we just made our paperwork " Erin interrupted him "Ok?" Erin went into the common room and took a glass of water. I hope noone will come now she thought. She grabbed anything in her pocket. It was a couple of pills. She took them in her mouth and swallowed it with the water "Lindsay,we have a new crime scene. Hurry up" Jay said and Erin followed him .

"Why do you hate me so much" Erin asked while they were driving. "I don't hate you. You're just new and i have no reason to like you yet" He answered. "Then what in hell do i have to do that you even like me a bit" she wanted to know. Why she won't stop asking he thought and rolled his eyes. "You just need to shut up" . Erin didn't know what she should answer so she just looked outside the window. Jay saw that she almost started crying. "Sorry, it was a bit to mean but I'll probably never like you ok" he said. That doesn't make anything better. Idiot she thought

They arrived at the crime scene. "Why is here noone? " Erin asked . "I don't know. We could just have a look somewhere. Maybe we'll find one" Jay replied. Erin started asking him again random questions and he got really annoyed. "How often i have to tell you that you just should shut up?!" He yelled at her and walked faster . "I'm sorry.." Erin whispered and collapsed again.
Jay walked further,he didn't noticed that she collapsed. I hate her. How can someone be so freaking annoying Jay though. He turned around because he wondered why she's not following him. As he saw her lying on the ground he ran to her. "Erin??" Dammit Erin wake up! He thought. She didn't answer him. "Erin!"

"She's actually fine, we'll take her to the MED to check her out and then she can go home" Sylvie Brett ,one of the paramedics explained. "Do you wanna drive with us?" The other paramedic asked . "Uhm no" he said and went to his car. He drove back to the department while the ambulance drove to the MED .Erin slowly opened her eyes. "Hay,can you hear me?" Sylvie asked . "Yeah.." she whispered It's the second time this day why it won't stop Erin thought. "We'll take you to the MED,they'll just check you out" Sylvie explained.

"Where is Erin?" Asked Kim as Jay arrived at the department. "She collapsed,the second time this day." He explained and rolled his eyes. "And why you're not with her??" He heard Voights harsh voice. "She's your new partner and i don't care if you like her or not! If it would be Kim or anyone else you would be there too!" He yelled at Jay."It's not my job to take care of Erin, the paramedics said she is fine and she can go home afterwards so I don't have to be with her"Jay answered annoyed again. "If that's happen again and you're not with her , you'll be fired." Voight said and went downstairs. Dammit it's not my job to take care of her. And yes i don't like but i have no reason to like her . I hope she'll get shot that she can't work anymore or she'll get fired or dies. He thought. He knew this thought wasn't nice but he hated her so much.
He went to the common room and saw Erins coat lying on the ground. He picked it up and a pack of pills fell out of the pocket. He had never seen this kind of pills before but he was pretty sure the pills weren't good for Erin. Please don't tell me this is true Jay thought

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