Chapter two

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The ball was only hours away but Charlotte felt the nerves rising up.

If she doesn't find someone,she can kiss her life aswell goodbye.Reputation is very important,especially for an out spoken person like her.

Rumors can spread easily and she might end up being the "unworthy of love widow".

Even though the marriage season is over and it haven't  happened for years,some families still believe to present their daughters for marriage material.

Luckly,the Harrington family doesn't revolve in those marriage seasons.

People believe that the reason for the Harrington's choices are part of Marybell Harrington's dreadfully past which no one knows from.

"Marybell,I do believe that tonight we shall show those rustic old gossipers"said Derek as he smoked his pipe.

Marybell Harrington was a beautiful woman with golden blond hair and bright blue eyes.

She had the perfect figure and a few wrinkles but those were mostly unseen.

She smiled as she looked at her husband.Derek was a handsome man with brown hair and green eyes.

He was fair in height and had quite the few wrinkles."I suppose so,my dear husband.We all know how those ladies could gossip about anything while their own lives are falling apart."

Derek chuckled."Don't worry my,dove.Everything shall be perfect"he said and stood up.He kissed his wife on the forehead.

"Like always"he says softly and walks out.Marybell sighed and looked out of the window.The garden was looking astonishing in the blooming spring light.A single tear fell down her face.

If only everything was perfect.


It was only two hours away from the ball and the Harrington family was preparing.

"Do you think Mr.Tenny will be at the ball?"Charlotte looked at her sister with a sneer and lifted her one brow."Why on earth would you wanna know that?"

Aubrey frowned,as she was taken back from that question."I was just simply curious.Can't one be full of curiosity."Charlotte sighed as she did not have the energy to come up with a reasonable comment."Mr.Tenny is in his late twinties.He is far to old for you and curiosity will only get you in trouble"said Charlotte and looked away from her sister.

"Its true what they say.You are an old crow"said Aubrey through gritted teeth.Charlotte looked at her sister."Pardon?"asked Charlotte,shocked by her sister's comment."Prisella said you are an old crow and unmarriageble.Which now I see is true."Aubrey stood up and left the room.Charlotte felt hurt.

"Oh no.Don't you runaway"said Charlotte and went after her sister."How dare you believe such nonsense.Prisella is a dried out flower who wishes she was pure.She is far to naive for such comments and you should not be friends with her"said Charlotte.She didn't care if she hurted her sister's friend.

Aubrey stood still and glared at her sister."Why can't you just be joyful for me.Your so infuriated and vulgar and I will not tolerate it any longer.You are so transparent with your opinions about other people.Their feelings gets hurt by your rudely and cruel opinions."

Charlotte was quiet,as she did not know what to say.It is true what Aubrey said.Charlotte wouldn't want to admit it."Ladies,is everything well?"asked their mother.

To not cause further drama,Charlotte nodded and smile."Yes,mama.Me and Aubrey were just discussing about the ball."

Their mother smiled and went away.Aubrey was about to speak when Charlotte interupt her."I shall not quarrel with you know.We have a ball to attend."


The ballroom looked outstanding and lavish with the white and gold."The ballroom looks absulotly lovely"said Aubrey as she gazed at the beautiful white roses that were on the buffet table.

"Yes,quite the outstanding"said Marybell,as she hooked her arm into her husbands.Mr.Drenfield came over to them."Derek and Marybell Harrington,what a wonderful arrival.I thought for a moment that you were not going to come"said Mr.Drenfield as he smiled and greeted them.

"Its a honour to be here"said Derek as he shooked Mr.Drenfield's hand.

Charlotte excused herself and went straight to the buffet table.She saw all sort of goodies and loved the fresh smell of them.

She bit into a fresh pasty and stared at the dancefloor.She searched the ballroom and spotted her sister.Aubrey was talking to a young man and lots of young girls were giggling and eyeballing him near them.

"Do you like the ball,Mr.Tenny?"asked Aubrey.The young man smiled and tapped his chin."I quite do and you,Miss Aubrey?"

Aubrey shyly smiled and looked down at her feet."Yes,Mr.Tenny.I quite fancy dancing.Its elegant and most romantic."

Mr.Tenny nods slightly and smiled."May I ask,if you will dance with me?"asked Mr.Tenny and held out his hand.Aubrey smiled and tooked his hand happily.

Charlotte was observing the whole scenario while she was standing at the buffet table.She was expecting for a gentlemen to ask her for a dance.There were quite the handsome suitors in the room but they all seem to miss Charlotte.

Charlotte sighed and turned around to get another pasty when she heard a voice."Well,if it isn't Charlotte Harrington.Never thought you will be invited to the ball"said a young lady.The young lady was named Phillipa Owens and she was joined by miss Diana Sallings and miss Sofia Wills.

Charlotte looked at Phillipa with a annoyed look."Greetings to you aswell,Phillipa."

Phillipa smiled and turned her back on Charlotte."The rumors are telling,that Charlotte is unmarriageble since no one ever danced with her"said Diana.The girls laughed.Charlotte rolled her eyes and walked away.

She and Phillipa used to be friends.Best friends untill their first ball.No boy or gentlemen wanted to dance with Charlotte.Phillipa said that it would ruin her reputation if she is friends with Charlotte.

Charlotte huft and walked fast.She looked around for her mother.She wanted to go home and read her book.

The evening finally came to an end as the last guests were leaving.The Harrington's were riding in their carriage."So,ladies.How were the ball?"asked their father.Aubrey anwserd excitedly."Oh,papa.It was like a fairytale.Its was so much fun and so thrilled."

Charlotte just nodded her head."It was well,papa.The pasties was quite fresh and delicious."

Both their parents looked at Charlotte.Charlotte smiled and looked out the window.The trees were looking very beautiful in the moonlight.

Charlotte might never be asked to danced or married but atleast she has a quite outstanding personality and appearance.That caught someone's eye who were not quite her match or even near her liking.

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