Chapter three

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The morning Charlotte layed in her bed,eyes wide open and the sun shinning into her bedroom.Last night's ball was just the same as all the others.No gentlemen asked her to dance.Maybe she was unmarriageble.


"Oh mama,it was like the sun was blooming on the flowers.It was a magical sensation"said Aubrey.Marybell smiled and took a sip of tea.Charlotte came downstrais and everyone looked at her.

"Oh and who is this bird coming out of her nest"teases her father.Charlotte gave him a weakly smile and sat beside her mother.

"How was Mr.Tenny?"asked Charlotte to Aubrey.Aubrey looked at her for a moment and smiled."He was well.Very charming and such an outstanding dancer."

Charlotte nodded."Very charming,indeed."

"How was your evening?"asked Aubrey.Charlotte bited her bottom lip."It was exciting."

Just then the butler arrived and he spoke in a very fancy manner."Pardon me for interrupting,Madam.A guest has arrived."

Everyone was shocked."We have guest.Oh how wonderful"said Derek with a pleasing look.

The butler nodded."I present you a gentlemen whom were at last night's ball.He is here for one of your daughters."

Aubrey gasped with delight."Oh it must be Mr.Tenny.He and I had a quite wonderful evening"said Aubrey.

Charlotte rolled her eyes and sighed.Another gentlemen for Aubrey.

"He is here for the lovely Miss Charlotte Harrington"said the butler.Everyone looked at Charlotte.Charlotte was shocked and excited on the same time.Charlotte was smiling as she was trying to impress the gentlemen.

The gentlemen walked into the drawing room.Charlotte's happy face turned into a horror face when she saw the gentlemen.

Aubrey gasped."Oh,Mr.Thomas Lanchester.What a suprise"said Mrs.Harrington.Mr.Harrington stood up and shooked Mr.Lanchester's hand.

"Oh its an honour to be here,Mr and Mrs.Harrington"said Thomas.

Charlotte felt a sick feeling to her stomach.This wasn't real she thought.Not Thomas Lanchester.

Even though she must admit he is quite handsome.His golden brown hair,dark green and mysterious eyes,a fine face complexion.His looks might be handsome but he as a person is not.The ladies man and very over the top charmer.

Thomas laid his eyes on Charlotte.They made contact.Charlotte felt a slight of sensation when she gazed into his eyes.

She frowned and looked away.She scold herself for looking to long at him.

"Ah,greetings Miss Charlotte Harrington.We haven't met before but I saw you at the ball and you were quite the sight to see"said Thomas and smiled.

Charlotte just looked at him and scoffed.A sight to see,how very thoughtful,thought Charlotte.Her mother was staring at her,urging her to greet him.

"Thank you very much,Mr.Lanchester"said Charlotte.

Through the whole morning,Charlotte was listening to her father and Thomas.Listening to their conversations.

Charlotte grew bored as she wished to be not in the same room as Thomas Lanchester.Especially not all the rumors she heard about him.

It was getting near the ending of the morning.Charlotte was still bored when her mother said something,that changed her mood.

"I never thought Charlotte will ever get a suitor.Not about her appearance.My daughter is a very beautiful lady but what I mean is,she has quite the outstanding personality."

Charlotte was shocked."Well,Mrs.Harrington,your daughter has quite the beauty and its especially her outstanding personality that have caught my eye"said Thomas and smiled.

Charlotte was not having any of this.She was not to be wed to him and Thomas Lanchester is not her true love.

Charlotte stood up and unfortunately spoked her truly thoughts."Mama,I will not be wed to a man like Thomas Lanchester"

Everyone was shocked.Marybell took a deep breath."Aubrey,Henford,Fredrick and Archie,please go up to your rooms."

They all went up to their rooms.It was very quiet in the drawing room.The silence was thick as a log.

Charlotte restraint herself and spoked again."I will certainly not be courted or be wed to Thomas Lanchester.I would rather die and be thrown into the ocean where my body would dissolve into nothing."

Marybell's eyes was wide and Derek was shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

The colours drowned from Thomas's face and he cleared his throat.He opened his mouth but closed it again,as he was lost with words.

Charlotte felt the room getting very colder and she looked down at her shoes.

"Oh Charlotte,how could you say such thing"said her mother.Charlotte didn't care what she said.All she knew is that she is not going to be wed or even friends with England's most player and charmer of the year.

"Oh no,its well.I'm sure Mrs.Charlotte has her reasons"said Thomas and he flashed a big smile.Charlotte felt her heart skipping a beat.He is trying to hypnotize her.Well she is not like his other sweetcakes that he charm with.

"Indeed I have.I will not let you charm your way into my heart just for it to be broken again.You will not be spending any time in my bed,if you thought I'll be one of you sweetcakes."

Her mother gasped in shock."Charlotte Harrington,apologize at once"demanded her mother.

Charlotte glared at Thomas."I heard quite the stories about you.How you simply charm a lady with your good looks and tell her sweet nothings.To lead her into hers or yours bedchamber and make the flowers bloom with excitement.Not to make love but to fill your pleasurable desires"said Charlotte and crossed her arms.

The birds that were chirping earlier was rather quiet.

Thomas was outstanded.This lady is like no other he thought.

"No if you excuse me,I'll be in the garden,tending my own needs"said Charlotte and smiled.She walked out of the drawing room.Just as she reached the front door,she turned around and walked back.

"Oh and Mr.Lanchester,how is Fiona feeling?I heard she was quite the heartbroken when you left her"Charlotte smiled and walked away.

The drawing room was quiet.Mr.Harrington cleared his throat."Well,I'm worn out.I'll be in my study."He walked away.Mrs.Harrington looked at Thomas."I apologize for her behavior.It was very improper and she didn't mean a thing."

Thomas shooked his head."It's all good,Mrs.Harrington.But I must return now."

Mrs.Harrington nodded and greeted Thomas.Thomas walked out of the door.He saw Charlotte sitting in the garden.She was busying inspecting a rose.

He smiled.She was quite a lady and he really liked that.He walked along the path.

Charlotte looked as Thomas walked out of the gate.She was very pleased with herself.So now he wasn't going to come back and now Charlotte doesn't have to worry about a broken heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2021 ⏰

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