A Beautiful Mess

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The plane ride went off easy, sleep really being the only thing I needed for the day. If only sleep was the solution to the inevitable doom of my partner’s fears.

Nicholas stumbles down the exit bridge and into a chair, slouching down. I chuckle slightly, though I’m still worried about his pale face and shaky breathing. We reached the airport just outside of Berchtesgaden, heading out to meet a scientist of their facility. If my partner can even live until then.

“It still baffles me how you, an astronomer with desires to reach through and explore the universe, and have several degrees that place you just a rank under me,” I sat in the seat next to him, placing down his suitcase. “Can’t even stand riding on an airplane?” I laugh again.

He turns to look at me, blood flowing through his face to turn it a natural tone again. “Oh, shut up.” This time, I have to stifle my laughter. “Besides,” He continued, sitting up and grabbing his suitcase, “No one said I had to go up there. Space is just as easily explored down here as up there, thanks to people who actually can go up there.”

I’ve been so busy the past few days, I hadn’t realized how much I just needed to laugh. Nick slugs me in the arm, the jab hurting enough for me to stop laughing, but I still smile. He grabs his inhaler, shaking it up while his face turns pink again. “The Zaw-bear-wald Forest or whatever is a few towns away, we’re supposed to be meeting someone. We should get up and look.” I say, grabbing our suitcases and helping him stand. He nods and dramatically motions for me to lead the way. I shake my head with a grin.

Working in that office turned to be insufferable after a couple years. Sure, I was researching everything I loved, but I could never do much without another scientist at my side. They finally assigned me a partner, which happened to be Nicholas, to do things quicker. Since then, I don’t think we’ve gotten a single thing done faster than when we worked alone. At least I got someone who I learned one day to call a brother. And he’s definitely lived up to the name. Annoying, yes, and very one-sided, but loyal and kind, always by my side.

    I’m sure he could say the same about me. He’d exaggerate on the annoying part- I’m sure. 

    We reach the exit gate, people rushing to hug one another or regroup and head out. “Why don’t you ever hug me after a plane ride?” Nicholas asks with a fake pout.

    “Because this is a nice shirt and I’d like not to wash vomit from it.” I joke, resulting in a scoff and another shove.

    I see the line of people holding papers, searching for specific names. I spot my name on the paper of an older man, who searches the crowd for us. “Here, Nick.” I say, grabbing his arm to pull him in the right direction. He growls behind me, pulling from my grasp, and I grin. He hates when I call him Nick, but that just makes it even better.

    We weave through the crowd of people as they try to leave. The man looks past us when we step up to him, not knowing who we are. “Excuse me? I’m Dr. Whitman?” I say, having to lean my head down slightly to be at his height. 

    He looks at us, nodding. “Ah, jawohl, you are scientists from Greenwich?” he asks, and I can tell he isn’t very fluent in English. 

    “Yes, this is my colleague, Dr. Shade.”

    He holds his hand out. “Hallo, I am Viktor Krochet from ze compound we have here. If you’d follow me, I have a vehicle outside. I will explain what we will be doing on ze way.” I shake his hand, tightening the grip on my suitcase. He shakes Nicholas’ hand and walks off.  “Kommen.” He says. 

    From what I know from Clarissa, he’s asking us to follow. “Come on, Nicholas.” I say, glancing back to watch him scramble behind me. Dr. Krochet doesn’t ever look back at us, but we follow him out through security and straight outside. He leads us to a dark gray Mercedes-Benz. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2021 ⏰

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