Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Have you ever been on a field trip? Have you ever been on a field trip that lasted for 2 months? Didn’t think so! My name is Casey St.Clair and I attend St.Mary’s School for Girls. Yep an all girl school, it sucks really. The worst part is all the girls are from rich families so they think their better than me. I made a few friends though.

Dee Jefferies is a beautiful girl with long curly blond hair light blue eyes 5’4” with a tiny body. She is very shy around everyone but me. I can bring out the hellion in her.

Maggie Parks is also very pretty with short brown hair brown eyes 5’6” same as me with a killer body.

My number one enemy is Mrs.Williams the old crone of a principal. We butt heads all the time because I’m not very “Lady-Like” in her books. What can I say I’m a rebel with long black hair red tips and blue streaks. My green eyes look like emeralds the only thing I got from my mom.

So about our field trip we were informed a week ago that all the girls who are 18 will be going to Vincent’s School for Boys to learn to interact with guys. Like we don’t already know! To make things worse when we get there right off the bat is a damn dance or as Mrs.Williams calls it “Snow White Ball”. We have to dress in a white gown before we leave so when we get there we’re already ready.

We have packed already and everything is on the bus while we get dressed. Me being a rebel and enjoy pissing off Mrs.Williams, am wearing a blood red floor length satin dress that hugs my curves and shows some cleavage. Take that you old bitty!

Dee of course is wearing a white ball gown that flows around her from the waist down the corset tight with thin straps. Maggie is a little less drastic, a simple white spaghetti strap that falls just past her knees. After doing our hair and make-up and listening to Dee bitch about my dress we went to the bus climbing on before Mrs.Williams.

“You are going to be in so much trouble” Dee said as we sat down in the back of the bus.

“Oh well, what’s she going to do tell me I can’t go. Hell I’ve been trying to get out of going since she told us.” Which I had, starting fights, pulling fire alarms, even wore my night clothes instead of our uniform, but for some reason nothing worked.

When everyone was on the bus Mrs. Williams got on not even looking in my direction. She probably knows I did something. The ride was over an hour long and in the middle of nowhere. My butt was numb when we finally pulled up in front of a tall building with lots of other building all around. It looked like a college campus. Of course it’s 9 pm so I can’t see much.

“Wow this is so much bigger than our school” Maggie said from beside me.

“Yeah guys think they need more room” I said dryly.

Mrs. Williams stood up preparing to give us a speech. I’ll break her 20 minute speech down. Act like ladies, no kissing or touching, no rude comments- looking at me- and NO leaving the building. Which meant not sneaking off to make-out. What a killjoy.

When we finally got off the bus my whole body hurt from sitting. Mrs. Williams was talking to someone I couldn’t see probably the principal for here.

“Ok girls follow me” her old raspy voice said. All the girls were excited there were about 30 of us total. I never paid much attention to anyone other than Dee and Maggie.

We walked around the first building to another large building. It was brick with lots of windows and about 15 steps leading up to the door. Maggie, Dee and I were trailing behind when wouldn’t you know my damn heel got stuck in a crack on the sidewalk.

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