beginning of friends (2)

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Chapter 2

Kayla & her friends were celebrating in esme's House they seemed to be enjoyed it
Kayla hated the celebrating so Esme has stopped the party "Okay! Guys stop dancing! I need to talk to you" Esme said

The disco has been vanished as all the friends stared at esme "Today is a great day and tomorrow We going to Make the show great again!" Esme cheered excitement

They cheered Blake and ally clapped their paws as Robert Kyle and Marshall yells in joy as they hugged together

Kayla scoffed "Why is that important? It doesn't matter than me" she told her rudely as esme looked at her "Well because well..." She was cut off by Kayla

"Oh cut that crap esme! I know what your doing! Does it make you a better liar then a bad liar?" She growled as Blake glared at her "Kayla..." He warned

Esme chuckled nervously as she cleared her throat "Well no.. I'm not a liar Kayla I'm just saying the show is starting tomorrow" she smiled at Kayla

The Australian rabbit glared at her "Oh is this a joke now? What if we can't do the show?! THIS IS SICK!" Kayla was pissed off as she threw her arms
ally calmed her down by touching her shoulders "Kayla calm down It's not like she ever made jokes" ally reassured

Kayla scoffed as she pushed her "I don't think so Alls" she growled as she knew she remember that what happen back at School when the teacher got a wrong test for Kayla

Esme glared at her "Kayla seriously I'm not joking!" She defended herself when Kayla got angry her eyes Started to get red

"LIAR LIAR!!!" Kayla Screamed as she attacked her as her Friends gasped in shocked

Kayla was hurting Esme by biting her ears and her arms As she punched her Face it's really hurtful
blake ran to stop her "Kayla! Stop! Stop it!" He demanded as he grabbed her arms

Kayla growled "get the FUCK OFF OF ME ASSHOLE!!!" She yelled angrily as she tried to struggle from his grip as esme was injured her eye was bruised and her bites on her ear and her left arm

Kayla growled as she screamed as blake was getting very mad "JUST CALM THE FUCK DOWN YOU BITCH!!!" He Roared as Kayla gasped when their friends looked at them shocked

Blake glared at her as he and ally helped Esme "are you okay?" Blake asked As Esme nodded Kayla looked shocked She didn't know what's gone into her she walked towards them

"STAY AWAY!" Blake yelled at her

Kayla looked shocked "w-what?" She asked As blake got angry at her "I said stay away you Cold blooded creep!" He yelled As ally and Esme looked at Blake

Kayla felt her paws are shaky "B-blake I didn't mean it I swear" she whispered as Blake rolled his eyes "Don't lie to me you Creep! Yeah that's right creep as you are!" Blake growled ally gasped
"Blake enough!" Ally demanded sternly
"I'm not finished ally" Blake replied

Kayla looked at them she seemed to be upset "Look what you did Kayla!" Blake snapped she looked at him "You nearly killed esme! And this is why you don't belong here!" He yelled

"Blake!!" Esme and ally yelled in unison sternly "What? It's true she's a murderer! And she doesn't belong here anymore!" He Yelled

Kayla was gasping in shocked as she took some shaky breaths
"i-I'm sorry" Kayla cried "Oh your sorry?! Sorry for what?! Being a killer a flash cold blooded killer?! Well it's too late for say sorry now get out!" Blake yelled

Kayla felt her heart collapsed as the tears was streaming down her cheeks As bradley the bear has came back to see her "Kayla...." He whispered softly

She sobbed as she ran off  "Kayla wait!" Brad called out as Marshall and Kyle Went to comfort her but they got stopped by a.z
"Just let her go guys she needs to be alone" az told them as they sadly nodded

Brad sadly looked at Kayla was crying he gave Blake a glare "What is your fucking problem Blake?! She didn't mean it you know" he yelled as he sighed "You really are an asshole..." Brad growled as he Ran off

"Brad wait! I didn't.." Blake yelled as he tried to stop him But ally furiously grabbed his arm
"No Blake he's right You are an ass hole everything you done is Hurting kayla's feelings You should be ashamed to yourself!" Ally snapped as she ran to her best friend to help her back to her room

Blake felt guilty inside as he Looked at his friends They seemed angry at him "Guys I didn't mean it I'm sorry" Blake said in a apology tone "Oh no! Don't apologize to us! Apologize to kayla!" The American eagle snapped

Blake felt sharp knife back on his back He looked down sadly as his friends stormed off in anger
He felt his heart breal but all he did is a bad friend

I'm a burden as hell | Kayrad (brad x kayla)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang