love me like you do (6)

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Chapter 6

Kayla had been practicing her
singing lesson
She was deciding to make up for herself She kept singing As she humming

Until she heard a knock "Kayla it's me Blake can I come in?" She glared at the door "No" she said in a anger as she looked at the mirror

"I just came to apologies" blake explained as Kayla Sighed in annoyed as she opened the door "Why should I Forgive you Blake?" She softly Growled

Blake rubbed his arm as Kayla puts her paw on her hips "because I made it wrong" he said in guilt tone as she scoffed "Your the only one who Hurt me like this" She pointed out

Blake shook his head "No Kay you know i didn't mean that" he said to her "I don't believe you! You hurt my feelings! Just like somebody else!" She snapped

Blake Stared at her in sad
"Kayla i--" he tried to explain

But Kayla didn't care "Just Get the fuck out of my room Blake" she growled as Blake was guilty for Hurting her feelings

Ally came here as she saw Blake she crossed her arms to her chest "What do you want Blake?" She demanded as Blake looked worried "Ally I just have to apologize You have to believe in me!" He begged

"OH and why should we believe for everything you've done!? You Called her a killer for no reason! I knew she didn't mean it and you just didn't care!" Ally pointed out

"What's going on?" A American eagle Demands the question and answer ally Blake and Kayla looked at az "Blake he- he came to apologies Az" ally explained

Az nodded "Yeah of course but you Can't argue in the room we have show to do so Kayla you ready?" He told them once Kayla sighed she nodded "Yeah I am" she said

A.z nodded as she walked off the room once az followed her leaving ally and blake alone

Ally sighed When she glared at Blake "look alls I'm serious I have to apologize But if I don't It's my fault" He Responded in hush tone

She seemed Blake was So kind wolf she sighed "Your right Blake If you don't apologies It's all your fault is that right?" She told him as he nodded in agreement

Ally looked upset it Breaks her heart all because of this madness and depression "You know you don't have to believe me I can tell" Blake said sadly as he walked off

She stared at her boyfriend it makes her eyes watery She sat down on her chair then started to cry

Kayla was at the stage with brad she blushed once he blushed as they smiled each other

"Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the New heartstone studios! We all hope you came along with happiness! Now Be real it is time to See the show!" Az said to the people with a smile

All the people were on the chairs They were snickering as Az laughed nervously "alright We can see the greatest singer of A parade Kayla Loo!" He smiled as Kayla took a breath to calm down

She came here she forced herself to smile "hi everyone! I hope you all feel happy And I am so glad for you to see heartstone back to take" she told all the people with a weak smile

"Alright let's hear one of my song shall we brad?" She said to him as brad smiled

As Marshall played the piano as Kayla took step ahead she grabbed the Microphone

🎶Your the light your the night your the colour of my blood 🎶

🎶Your the cure your the pain you're the only thing I wanna touch🎶

🎶never knew that it could mean so much so much 🎶

🎶Your the fear I don't care cause I've never been so high
follow me to the dark🎶

🎶let me take you past our satellites you can see the world you brought to life to life 🎶

Kayla seemed her heart was warmimg when brad gave her a smile as Az and the others were impressed

🎶so love me like you do🎶

🎶La-La-Love me like you do 🎶

🎶love me like you do 🎶

🎶La-La-Love me like you do 🎶

🎶touch me like you do🎶

🎶ta-ta-touch me like you do 🎶

Brad and Kayla sang together with a smile making people loved

🎶what are you waiting for? 🎶

🎶fading in fading out on the edge of paradise Every inch of your skin 🎶

🎶is a holy grail I've got to find 🎶

🎶only you can set my heart on fire on fire🎶

🎶yeah I'll let you set the pace Cause I'm not thinking straight my head's spinning around 🎶

🎶I can't see clear no More 🎶

🎶what are you waiting for? 🎶

🎶Love me like you do La-La-Love me like you do 🎶

🎶love me like you do La-La-Love me like you do 🎶

🎶touch me like you do ta-ta-touch me like you do🎶

🎶What are you waiting for?🎶

🎶love me like you do La-La-Love me like you do🎶

🎶love me like you do La-La-Love me like you do🎶

🎶touch me like you do ta-ta-touch me like you do🎶

🎶what are you waiting for?🎶

Kayla was seeing brad smiling at her "good luck" he mouthed
She winked at him as she kept singing

🎶yeah I'll let you set the pace 🎶

🎶cause I'm not thinking straight 🎶

🎶head's spinning around I can't see clear no More 🎶

As she could sing she saw Her Dad has arrived She got shocked as the all people were confused

She was scared that her dad will Find out She'll get hurt

Her Breathing was more with Hyperventilating As brad looked more concerned "Kayla you okay?" He asked whispering to her

She shook her head as she ran off "Kayla wait!" Az called out as ally and esme looked worried about her

Kayla was running off To her room as all the people were a bit angry

"Hey! We want show!" A female Distant women called out in anger

"Give us a show!" A man Agreed with angry after the people were booing and They seemed a bit angry

Az groaned then he stares at robert and Marshall "Robert Marshall Close the curtains!" He ordered they nodded as they went to close the curtains

Az looked at ally and Esme "Ally Esme Do your practicing!" He said to them as they nodded as they went to the room to practice

Brad was more worried as he Ran off once he was bumped into His brothers "Hey watch it Bradley!" Victor said

He looked at them "Sorry! I was... Gotta go!" He ran off without asking them Victor and Zeke looked Confused

Brad was going to see what's wrong with Kayla "kayla where are you?!" He called out her name

I'm a burden as hell | Kayrad (brad x kayla)Where stories live. Discover now