The lost pup

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At the Adventure City Lookout...

It was another beautiful blue clear sky day in Adventure City, All the pups were outside the Lookout doing their thing. Rubble and Marshall were rolling around in mud.

Chase: You 2 need a bath after this.

Marshall: C'mon in, Chase!

Chase: Uh, no thanks.

Skye: Rubble! Marshall! What are you doing?

Rubble: We're just rolling around in this puddle of mud, care to roll with us?

Skye: I'll pass.

Marshall: Ok.

Chase: Yeah, I do not want my baby to be all muddy and dirty.

Zuma: My fur is the same color as the mud.


Rocky: What was that?!

Chase: Stay here, I'll check it out.

*Chase ran to where the scream came from*

Chase: It has to be here somewhere.

*Chase spots Skye in the back of a dog catcher vehicle*

Chase: (Gasp) Skye!

*The vehicle drives away*

Chase: I gotta catch it!

*Chase starts running after the truck*

Skye: Help! Pups! Somebody! Save me!

Butch: Nobody will come save you, young dog.

Skye: I am not in the mood to be your prisoner! Let me go!

Ruben: Oooo! This is a tough dog, she wants to be free.

Butch: She belongs in the Animal Shelter where Chase and the rest of them should be at.

Skye: (To Herself) Oh, no! I'm about to be held hostage at the same place where Chase got dognapped and taken to!

Meanwhile with Chase...

Chase was too tired and couldn't run any longer, the truck had got away.

Chase: Darn it! They got away!

*Liberty appears*

Liberty: Chase, what are you doing here? The others were looking for you.

Chase: It's Skye, she's been taken by Humdinger's henchmen!

Liberty: What, how'd that happen?

Chase: I'm pretty sure she may have heard something and she got baited to get captured.

Liberty: Chase, do you think they're taking Skye to that one place where we freed all the dogs (Including you) that have been missing?

Chase: The Animal Shelter!

Liberty: We better tell the rest of our friends!

Chase: Yeah!

Meanwhile at the Animal Shelter...

Ruben was carrying Skye to a holding room and Skye was really trying to struggle from his grasps.

Skye: Let me go!

Skye: (Grunt) Put me down!

*Ruben opens the door and tossed Skye in and closes the door and it locks*

Skye: *Bark x5*

Ruben: I hope you like it here, cuz you ain't leaving. In 12 hours, you'll be gone from this City.

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