Song by the Candle Light

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   The sun had set hours ago, though the two were still awake. The candle light flickered by the bedside, lighting the room with a soft pleasant light. The storm was raging outside yet the room seemed unbothered by the chaos just outside the walls. One was listening to the other play a soft melody on the harp, humming along quietly.
   "Did it work yet?" the one playing the harp asked. They didnt mind playing it, they rather enjoyed it, they've just been playing the same song over and over, it has become unpleasant.
   The one they spoke to looked away, they knew of the others now disgust for it so they were hesitant to answer, "No, sorry..."
   "Okay, you know what? We're doing something different." They sat up on the bed, moving over to the desk that the candle was on, grabbing a piece of paper, pen and ink.
   "What are you doing?"
   "We're going to compose something new. I'm tired of the same song Arlen. It hasn't worked to evoke those memories so were going to do something fun instead."
   Arlen frowned a little, though they sat up as well.
   The other set their harp down, fumbling with the pen as they thought. "What should we make this one about?"
  "Neither of us are good at singing, that wouldnt be much of a good idea to really make it about something."
   They lightly hit Arlen on the head, "It can be about something and not have words. Do you pay attention at all when I play? They spark your imagination, creating a story in your head through the notes and rhythm. You don't need words."
  Arlen looks at the other quite bewildered.
   The other sighed, "Think of a topic, mainly something personal. We can write down the feeling you get from it through that and make a song based on those feelings."
   Their expression turned from bewildered to telling the other that they were crazy.
   "Dont give me that look, you'll see! Now give me something."
   Arlen thought for a moment. 'Something personal...?' "Okay then, let's right about you. Venesarri, wonderful harp player and composer."
   Now Venesarri had the confused look. "Why me?"
  "You said something personal, well the first thing to come to mind was you."
   Venesarri fumbled with the pen more, not sure how to feel. "Alright... how do I make you feel?" They held a breath, waiting for the others answer.
  Arlen laid down and looked at the ceiling, trying not to make eye contact because that would make the situation so much more embarrassing for them. They asked themself why they had to say to make the song about the other. "Well, I guess firstly, happy. You make me feel happy a lot. You comfort me too. Your music is always beautiful though you don't see it that way sometimes." Arlen felt their cheeks flush, though they ignored it. "Well, and you're also nice and a good friend so there."
   Venesarri had written down all the things the other had said, there was a hidden weight to Arlens words that they just didn't realize yet. "So, happy is the first thing you said so we have to make the song upbeat. It's hard to turn comfort and admiration into sound so we'll go with friendly then. So I'll try to make it upbeat but soft and we'll see what we can get."
   Arlen listened along and helped out as best as they could while Venesarri started thinking and playing around with different notes and cords, trying to make the song for several more hours into the night. "Its beautiful but you're not quite getting it right, Vene."
  "And you gave me the look of pure confusion earlier when I said you can put feeling into just music." Venesarri gave a slight frown, they thought it was wonderful, for the short little song it was. "What am I missing then?"
   The word popped into Arlens head but they stopped themself before they could say it, "Nevermind. Like I said, its it's beautiful," they waved a hand dismissively at the other.
   "No, speak. This is a song made by your feeling anyway."
    Arlen rolled over to look at the other for a moment and then turned back before speaking in a whisper, "Love..."
   Venesarri let out a slightly agitated sigh, "I cant hear you when you whisper like that."
   "I said love alright?" After Arlen said that, they wanted to roll under the bed and stay there, they felt even more embarrassed than before.
   "Love...?" They poked Arlen in the face, surprised more than anything. "You mean that, right?" Their face was flushed.
   Arlen still didnt have the courage to look at the other, "Yes and that's what you're missing from the song, you're missing love. I've heard it in your songs before."
   Venesarri thought for a moment before changing a bit of it. Arlen pretended to be asleep the whole time but they listened to Venesarri work, changing the notes slightly or completely rearranging things so it sounded smoother. Eventually, the little song was to a point that Venesarri liked it so they shook Arlen, "Wake up, I think I got it!"
   Arlen turned to face the other now, groggy because of the late hour which played into the fallen asleep act they were doing. "Let's hear it then."
   Venesarri nodded, playing the song they made, as gently and gracefully as they normally did. Arlen hummed along, though quietly.
   When the song was over, Arlen smiled to Venesarri, "That's it, you got it. You got it so beautifully."
   "Well, I made it while thinking of how I feel about you so of course I did." They moved the pen, ink and paper back to the desk, setting the harp against it on the floor. Then they laid down next to Arlen, now holding their hand, smiling too. They both had flushed faces as Arlen pulled Venesarri closer. "We'll have to try to get those memories back another time then."
   Arlen nodded, they definitely didn't mind the idea of spending another night like this with Venesarri.
  They both fell asleep in the comfort of each other's arms, the early morning light now coming through the window. The storm had stopped long ago, they just never noticed.

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