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Last night at dinner Brooke asked me if her friend Amanda could come over after school and I was happy knowing that she had a friend

but I saw that Mackenzie had shot her a glare. I shook it off and was excited for Brooke to be having friends over. Mackenzie was
always getting in trouble out and inside of school and I knew she was popular. To be honest I don't like the kids she hangs out with and
neither does Steve but she seems happy so I'm happy. Steve and I had started cleaning the house up a little so Amanda and Brooke

could hangout in the living room. After saying goodnight to both the kids Steve and I went to the room and watched a movie falling asleep half way through it.
When Mackenzie and I were walking to school she asked me why I invited Amanda over and I answered truthfully saying she was my friend. She had just left it at that and the rest of the walk was silent. As we entered the school we went out separate ways but instead of going with my friends I went over to Amanda and walked to class with her all day. I was happy to know she had a friend. When I passed my other friends they laughed and mocked Amanda but we both shook it off excited to be hanging out after school. It was finally 2:15 and school ended, we walked to the car together and Mackenzie didn't come but for some reason I was glad. At times it was hard to understand exactly what Amanda was saying but it never bothered me. When we were hanging out I realized she was a really nice girl and couldn't believe anyone picked on her. When we got in the car Demi and Amanda introduced each other and all three of us talked for the short car ride back to the house. Demi had said Amanda could sleep over and after calling her mother we drove to her house and she picked her stuff up and went back to my house to watch a movie and do girł things. Around Seven o clock Mackenzie came home and I sensed there was going to be trouble.
Steve was at work and had arrived around the same time Kenzie got home. Brooke and Amanda were in the brook's room laughing and I was smiling happy that she had a good friend. When they got in the car this afternoon I realized that she had a speech impediment but chose to ask Brooke when she wasn't around. Both Steve and I were watching tv when we heard Amanda start to cry and Brooke scream " what the hell, Mackenzie she's my friend couldn't you give her one break from the tormenting you bitch"! That was the first time I have ever heard brooke that mad. Since Steve was tired I told him that I could handle this one. When I walked in it turned out that Mackenzie had went into the room recording a video of her throwing water on Amanda and then talking like her. Brooke was hugging Amanda and Mackenzie was laughing until she turned around and she saw me. As soon as she saw me her smile dropped and she knew I was mad. There was two thoughts going through my head but I couldn't separate them. ( it's saying her schizophrenic thought and her other calmer thought.) I walked over to Mackenzie and grabbed her arm dragging her out of the room and into the kitchen. " what is wrong with you brooke doesn't do that your friends. Why would you pick on a girl with a speech impediment". She tried explaining herself and that is when Steve came down the stairs standing at the bottom just for coverage. " you have no excuse Mackenzie what you did was totally innapropiate". I was starting to get very mad and was clenching my fists to stay calm. Mackenzie saw I was getting mad and being an antagonist screamed " I wished you never adopted me you stupid bitch, I thought you were different from everyone else". I gave Steve a signal saying I could handle it. When I unclenched my fists I realized my hands were bleeding due to holding them so tight. " go to your room right now "I said as calmly as I could. No she said. I turned around furiously and walked up to her and said "now"! She looked me right in the eyes and then started crying and ran into my grip yelling " I'm sorry mommy please don't leave I didn't mean anything I said it's the girls at school, please forgive me mommy". My anger was suddenly released and I calmed down. Kenzie was still very small for a 14 year old and I picked her up carrying her to the couch cuddling her. Steve walked up stairs giving us our privacy. When we were down there she admitted to picking on Amanda and promised she would never do it again. After about and hour it was around 8:30 and Kenzie was still crying so I decided to let her sleep with me even though she 14. Steve slept in the spare bedroom letting me and Kenzie sleep in my bedroom. Amanda and Brooke were already sleeping so Kenzie was going to apologize to her tomorrow. We got onto bed and she said something she hasn't said in a while and it put a smile on my face letting me sleep peacefully. " goodnight mommy I love you " she whispered " goodnight angle I love you to and get some sleep you will need it for tomorrow" i said and then kissed her forehead. We went to sleep after and I had a smile on my face preparing for tomorrow.

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