Chapter 4

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A/N: Hey, I'm gonna be doing a different dialogue style to make life easier on myself (and hopefully you guys). It's gonna be like this:

(person speaking): (what they say) (what they think) (How they say it)

I hope it's easy to follow.

As they walked through the fog of the Forest of White Dreams, Nyx couldn't help but notice there was a certain stillness. It would have unnerved most people but Nyx was not most people. Instead she was curious, curious as to why there were no animals, curious as to why there was no sound, and curious as to why they were being followed.

Nyx: Hey Meli

Meli: Yeah?

Nyx: You feel that?

Meli: Yeah.

Nyx: Good, I thought I was being paranoid.

Meli: Whenever you think you're being paranoid you end up being right Nyx.

Nyx: I don't think that's necessarily true but ok.

Meli: It's true. Why aren't you able to take a compliment?

Hawk: Umm, I hate to interrupt but what was it you said you felt?

Nyx: Hmm? Oh, we're not alone here.

Hawk: Whaaaat!?!

Suddenly they heard L scream, but when they turned around they were just confused. Nyx: Multiple L's?

Meli: Looks like it, who's the real one?

Hawk: I don't know, this is so confusing

Meli: Which one of you is the real Elizabeth?

L's: I'm the real Elizabeth!

Nyx (+headache): Oi vey

After resolving the minor problem thanks to a perverted Meliodas, they continued on in the direction the L's, or as they now knew, trickster imps, went. They walked on for a while through the ominous forest, L and Hawk were scared while Meli and Nyx were completely unperturbed. Eventually they came across something unusual.

L: A girl?

Hawk: What's she doing out here in the forest though?

Meli: No clue, why don't we go ask her?

Nyx:That's exactly how serial killers get you

L: W-what?

Meli: Don't mind her, she's just a little cranky

Nyx: 'A little' is an understatement.

Despite what Nyx said they went forward to ask her why she was in the forest all alone, however...

Nyx: She's a giant

Meli: Looks like it!

They were about to talk about what they should do next when the giant woke up.

Giant: Oh? What have we here, a holy knight?

She then started punching Meli. L, ever the kind soul, screamed his name in horror. Curiously, the giant stopped. She picked him up and brought him to eye level.

Meli: Yo Diane

Diane: Captain? Captain! Your back! I was so lonely, I thought you'd never come back! But who is that girl? Captain, you've been cheating on me! How dare you!

Nyx, who had been leaning against a tree at the edge of the clearing, snorted in amusement.

Diane: Omigod, Nyx is that you?! Come here!

Nyx complied, walking forward to stop in front of Diane, who proceeded to pick her up with one hand while patting the top of her head with the other. (She had dropped Meli)

Nyx: Hey Diane, long time no see

Suddenly, in the middle of their reunion, lightning struck. Literally. When it dissipated there was a pink haired man with blue eyes standing in front of them. Meanwhile rings of lightning surrounded them, acting as bonds to keep them from fighting back.

A/N: Sorry for going so fast, I have ADD so it's hard to take my time writing all the boring parts. I'm very tempted to just skip to when my OC will finally start fighting since she doesn't change the story that much.

For Better or Worse (Seven Deadly Sins x OC)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن