Chapter 5

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She was annoyed. That's actually an understatement but what are you supposed to say when your reunion with your practically-sister is interrupted by a holy knight with oh-so-scary sparks who decides to wrap you up in them while he tries to kill your captain? Oh, and of course said-captain ordered you to stay put so you can't give him a proper ass beating.

Nyx: I want to kill him. It would be pointless but whatever.

Diane: Which one?

Nyx: Both.

A few minutes passed as she watched them fight but she was analyzing the situation. L and Hawk were currently off in the forest somewhere, she was standing on Diane's hand since it was still flat despite her not being able to move her arm. She could easily move and so could Diane, Meli knew this so he ordered them to not join the fight. There was also the fact that she felt like she knew the holy knight.

Nyx: What did he call himself, Gilthunder? L and Meli seemed to know him as well... Oh shit! That's who he is! I get it now, guess I'm not killing Meli today.

Gilthunder was the son of Zaratras, the former Great Holy Knight. Zaratras was brutally murdered and his death blamed on the sins which is why they are in this whole mess in the first place.

Soon enough Meli let Gilthunder hit him in the shoulder, deep. Meli, pretending to be dying, asked Gilthunder where the rest of the sins are.

Gilthunder: Very well, I'll tell you. Of the remaining 5, three of them are still at large and not yet accounted for. But, the other 2 have been dealt with. The Fox Sin of Greed is being kept under tight security at Baste Prison. The Grizzly Sin of Sloth has already been slain and is interred in the necropolis. But you needn't worry, I'll make sure they all join you shortly.

Meli quickly stopped his act and jumped up, thanking 'Little Gil'. Honestly, the look of pure annoyance on his face was worth it. Gilthunder did the whole 'stoically reflect on what just happened' thing and then proceeded to attack Meli. Meli dodged and Gilthunder attacked again. They did this about 5 more times before Gilthunder ended up behind Meli with his sword over the uninjured shoulder.

Gilthunder: This is goodbye.

Meli: Cya.

Gilthunder apparently didn't realize he was standing in front of Diane, who promptly picked him up, preparing to throw him. He demanded to be let go and tried to shock her. It didn't work and she threw him very far.

A/N: Short chapter, sorry. I was honestly about to delete this so I was pretty surprised when someone asked me to continue it. That's also why it's so short, I wasn't prepared and was just trying to get it out. One last thing, I haven't finished watching and I don't have a plan for this story. This is just improvised as I write it so it probably wont be that good.

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