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tw- small amount of homophobia

Amity rolls a piece of lettuce around with her fork, nibbling on her bottom lip and only sparing small glances to look up at her parents.

They usually plan these dinners, but Amity had woken up to a text saying "Dinner at four, we need to talk." It seems Ed and Em got the same message, Emira sits next to Amity, Edric sits opposite of Emira.

She hates the manor, it's supposed to be her home but the people inside are way too controlling for her liking. She was unhinged most of the time she had lived here.

Her mother clears her throat, shoving a piece of lettuce in her mouth. The siblings anxiously wait for the topic of discussion, they had been eating their starter in silence so far.

"As all three of you know, Edric and Emira have cameras installed for security reasons," Her mothers voice is stern, as always, the only times it isn't is when she's presenting for the company.

"As none of you know, we have access to the footage," Amity exhales, she isn't the one in trouble. The twins however look way more scared than before.

"We saw something happen at a house party, and we wanted to talk about it," Her mother looks at her father, waiting for him to say something, but he was gladly eating his salad, completely tuned out of the conversation at hand. Her mother sighs and shakes her head as she turns her attention back to her children.

"All three of you were seen-" She takes a long inhale and sets down her cutlery as if she was about to say something so disgusting.

"Emira, you were with a girl," Emira looks down to the untouched salad below her. "And, you were- you know what you done."

"Edric, you had a couple of, 'make out sessions' with a certain boy," Edric is staring off into space, completely ignoring everything.

"And Amity, you made out with this girl," Amity looks straight into her mothers eyes. Making out was an exaggeration. "And, that was where the video ended, but seriously Amity?"

"You're supposed to be the future president of Blight Industries, since your siblings here can't, not pretending you're old enough to like girls!" She's raising a voice a little now. "All of you! I thought I knew you all."

"And then, you go out, throw a house-party, and act like you're gay!"

"That is not how I raised you!"

What a heavy topic for a starter meal.

They aren't scared of her anymore, they just sulk out of habit. She can't do anything to them anymore, well anything they would be devastated with.

"Just get out!" Odalia is acting like she's the victim here, the three nod and leave.

"So," Edric says to break the silence.

"Fuck, I thought I got caught doing something way worse," Emira states, Amity and Edric share a look.

"You got caught by your parents, that's like the worse thing possible," Amity scoffs.

"Oh, no, we weren't doing anything like that, get your head out of the gutter!" Emira ruffles Amity's hair like when they were kids, she earns a slapped hand in return. "We smoked some of the-" Emira clears her throat. "Devils lettuce," She does a really deep voice. "And, well, made out, but that is it!"

"Hm, well Mittens over her got some action!" Edric says, gesturing over to the youngest Blight.

"Yeah, spill!"

"Uh, it was Luz Noceda," Amity scratches her cheek. "But I kinda pushed her away because you know what happened last time."

"I know Luz, she wouldn't be intimidated by you," Emira reassures.

"Yeah, Luz would know something was up."

Amity furrows her eyebrows, thinking for a minute. "So, Ed, multiple make out sessions?"

"Uhh," Edric looks away from his sisters. "It's not important."

Emira, being the closest to him, takes her hands on his cheeks and turns his face around so Amity and her could see the shade of red his usually pale face had become. "Oh my god, you got it bad!"

"Shut up!" Edric squeals, slapping her hands away.

"But who is it, Ed?" Emira says in a sing-song voice.

Fortunately for him, the grand doors of the manor stand before them now, but, unfortunately for him, he got a ride with Emira, and lives with her. Amity will be hearing about the special boy soon.

Amity is left on her own as she watches the twins bicker on the way to Emira's car. Amity goes in her own, checking her rear-view mirror.

She could use a change. Her hair is growing out. It was beginning to look more like a high dip-dye rather than just dyed hair. She is bored of green as well, she has had green since Emira dyed her hair green and the entire family had to match.

But she rubs a few strands of green hair between her fingers, analysing the color.

Fuck it.

Like the over-achiever Amity is, she gets the best hair-dye and bleach and hair-bye remover she can find, but due to the mental breakdown tradition to dye your hair yourself she would have to figure out how to do this.

She's at the checkout now, smiling at the cashier every-time they make eye contact.

She settles on purple, totally not because it matches Luz's shirt. Purple's a nice color.

"Cash or card?" The cashier says in a monotone voice.

"Card," Amity smiles, digging around in her pocket for her card.

The items are paid for and placed into a plastic bag with the stores name printed on it. The handles dig into Amity's fingers but she couldn't care less, she is on a mission.

She hops in her car, throwing the plastic bag into the passenger seat, and she drives.

The drive is kind of long, but it's fine, she's fine.

It takes about forty minutes to get to the dorms, she parks as close as possible to the door, grabs the bag and doesn't care enough to check to see if the door is truly locked. She's satisfied with the click of the button.

She runs up the cold stairs, she's sweating a little, and runs into her floors showers.

No one is in there, she doesn't know why she was running, she just wants to be rid of the green as soon as possible.

She sets the products in the sink, looking at them like they would come to life and dye her hair themselves. She never dyed her own hair before.

The door opens, her head turns, it's Luz.

"Oh, Amity," She sounds relieved. "I was looking for you."

"I wanted to apologise and all-"

"Do you know how to dye hair?"


"Yes or no."


"Great, how?"


filllerrrr part two!

votes and comments get a kiss or a hug🤔 u pick ;)

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