Finale: Enchanted

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5 months had passed...

The sun shone through Gray's window and his alarm clock decided to wake him up. Gray got up pissed but he doesn't have a choice because he needs to go to work.

It's been 5 months since he went out of his town and went to the capital to look for a job. He wasn't having a hard time but he was annoyed that he has to wake up so early in the morning.

He started his daily routine, and went outside his condo. He's living in a condo that his father bought for him as a graduation gift, which he don't want to accept at first but he can't win against his father.

He take his path to his work, he's working in an office company at the city as the manager's secretary. He was doing a good job, and his colleagues always commend him, that's why despite of being new to the job, he's already climbed ranks as the manager's secretary.

When he arrived at the building, he was welcomed by the staffs and he greeted them back. He immediately went to report his presence to his boss.

"Good morning, Gray." His boss greeted.

"Good morning, Sir." He greeted back. "Your schedule for today..." He wasn't able to finish his sentence when his boss interjected.

"Please cancel all of my schedule for today. I will have an important meeting with a VIP." He said and Gray nods.

"Alright, sir. It's alright anyway, because you don't have any important agenda for today. I'll just reschedule these right away." Gray said and his boss smiled and nods.

"That's what I like about you, you're organized and very attentive. Anyway, you're going to come with me to that meeting. Mr. Lockser is going to have his daughter with him and I need you to keep her company." Gray absentmindedly nods.

"Okay, sir." He replied and his boss nods at him.

"Okay, we're settled. 3:00pm, come back here at my office and we'll go together." His boss said and Gray nods and take his leave.

Time passed for Gray and his usual work not knowing about what's gonna happen in a few hours.

To be very honest, Gray doesn't like his job nor hate it. He just nonchalant about it, he give and exert effort when needed, he excels, he couldn't care less as long as he's earning for living. He's quite the introvert type in the job but he still has few friends.

He rarely have a contact with Natsu and the others for they're also busy with their jobs. After lunch, he decided to pack up his things and prepare for the meeting that he's going to with his boss.

At exactly, 2:40 pm he headed towards the room of his boss with his clipboard and bag. His boss greeted him with delight as he once again, and always, on time.

"Come on now, Mr. Lockser said he was on his way." His boss said and he just nods and followed him.

On the way to the meeting place, it was quite a travel by a car. Gray just kept quiet as he tried to fix his suit and tie.

After a few minutes, they arrived at a fancy restaurant. His boss did all the talking and he just quietly followed him. A waitress guided them into a secluded part of the restaurant that Gray thought was the VIP area. He thanked the lady and Gray just bowed down and followed his boss quietly.

The area made him feel kind of suffocating, it was awfully quiet and people in it are eating and talking so quietly, some are also having a meeting like Gray and his boss was about to do.

They arrived at a table where a mid-aged man was sitting. He has a quite physique and he has a black hair but the shadows of blue is showing from its roots.

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