Part 1

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“I’m sorry your Majesty, You want me to do what now??” The thought sends shivers throughout your entire body. You knew he was a ruthless ruler, but you didn’t think he was this extreme. “Wouldn’t you want to send someone more qualified, My Lord?”

It was true, you had only been appointed as a knight last week. It was crazy to think he’d send you in for Dragon duty this early on. It’s not that you were terrified, but this was something you, and many of your comrades, have never faced before. King Kim’s stunned for a moment, as if he wasn’t expecting you to question him. He regains his composure in the blink of an eye, though, as if it had never happened.

“Do you lack confidence in your abilities?” The King sits upon his throne and sighs,” I thought you wanted to prove yourself to me, remember? How sad..” King Seokjin looks down at you from his seat. You are kneeling, as per the knight custom, but he could see the glimmer in your eyes.

You were the only female accepted into knighthood this past equinox, and they won’t be opening up positions again for awhile. As the only new devoted knight with female genitalia, you needed to prove yourself amongst the majority. The King’s comment flashes through your mind, finalizing your decision. “I will definitely succeed, your Majesty; you can confide in me. I will be back once the Dragon is slain.”

The King gives you a nod,” I shall be awaiting your return. Good luck, Lady Y/n.” 

You tread through the forest, and the humidity drips across your face. The helmet grows heavier every second, but you were supposed to keep it on during duty. You camped out for two nights on the journey, the distance far greater than you had initially thought.

Your faithful horse gallops past the uneven terrain, until you find yourself facing an abandoned building. It was a little to the west of the village who sent in the urgent request, but not one villager would go near this damned place. The worn down castle-like structure had moss embedded into its walls, seeping with time. You wondered what happened to the castle and what it must’ve been like before the present ate away at the building. The sun was going down, and the shadow of the building casted over your figure. You sit still and listen.

Heavy thumping and shuffling sounds emit from the second floor window. No doubt in your mind that that is where the beast lays ahead. Silently, you dismounted from your trusty steed and approached the concave door. With one push, the door creaked open. The shuffling stops.

Cautiously, you make your way up the spiral stone staircase. Despite the outward appearance, the inside of the castle is clean and homely. You almost mistake it as intruding on someone’s home, but alas, you can hear the beast’s growl on the floor above you, reminding you of where you really were. Approaching the master bedroom, you open the door.

Immediately, the dragon is on guard, and it’s ferociously larger than you. His scales glitter a golden color as it reflects off of your armor. The room is furnished and ornate; the scale of the space is as large as the King’s. The normal sized window seemed tiny compared to the monstrosity in the room. The dragon bared its teeth and swung at you with its sharp claws.

The sword you’ve unsheathed blocks the claws from crushing you, but its strength surpasses the knights you have battled with during training. The metal clangs with its every attack, and you can tell that it’s running out of stamina. The dragon’s nostrils flared and fire seeped from it, dissipating into smoke. It was like a warning sign, but you doubt that the dragon would light its own home on fire. In a hasty attempt to defend itself, it’s claws swung at you once more, and this time it broke through your armor. A deep gash cuts down the middle of your left arm, and you grunt in pain.

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