Chapter:2 part 1

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:AUTHORS NOTE:💁 sorry for not updating lately to make up for it I'll post more often not allways daily but often yeah...
Clawtas pov/-
Big sissy were are we .*she put her hand on her head shrugging her shoulders at her older sister* I dunno she replied. :her older sister pov:
I fell bad for my sister ever since we well this HAPPEND weird mysterious things have HAPPEND . :1WEEK LATER🏃🚶🏃.
:Clawta aka little sisters pov: owe she wined wincing at her legs from walking for about a week now. Shut up! Her sister yelled. But why it hurts sorry. She replied crossing her arms furiously . Oh!!! Just COMPELTLY NOTHING THE WORLD HAS TO WENT TO FUCKING COMPLETLY SHIT!!?. Clawta went off crying her face off tears streaming her face. It had been to fairies pixies same thing lol all well Ikr okAy well (she ran in the woods following her sister):says the random nairaitor and I spelt it wrong sigh all well) ( :D A short but tall at same boy came across her with his bow and arrow they looked about th same age anyways he bumped into her leaving her to crash into her feet she brushed off her now bruised knees and glared but blinked multiple or twice realizing it was a boy she suddenly apparently had a crush on she blushed smirking but embarrsed at the same exact time. Are u ok? He asked he lead out his hand for her to reach out and grab ahold to. Sorry she replied. It's cool by the way I'm dawnty. But just call me d for short. She chuckled and said I'm clawta but call me claw for short. U hear all alone? The boy about her age asked leaving his right hand againsted the brown and green oak tree.

Cliff hanger lol sorry😋😜

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2015 ⏰

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